Official LLG Projects

The LLG Community Projects Page

For a list of recent changes, look at the news page.

This page consists of a list of projects which are officially recognized by the LLG as being potentially useful contributions to the lojban language. This list is non-exclusionary, meaning that the LLG supports just about anything people want to do that involves lojban or the LLG. The projects here are simply those that people have asked to have official recognition for.

The only requirement for those holding official project recognition is that you more or less regularly (and informally) report to LLG what you are doing and what progress is being made. The LLG will send you a regular reminder asking you to report.

To be added to this list, please e-mail the webmaster with a bit of information about your project, a contact e-mail, and how often you would like to be auto-pestered for updates. The frequency of these mailings can be no less often than once a month, for implementation reasons.

A report of some kind must occur at least once a quarter, or the project will be removed from this list, possibly with an announcement to the main mailing list in case someone else wants to take over.

For a less static list of projects, see the wiki ongoing projects page.

Some tasks are organized as committees instead of projects. See Old LLG Committees for more information.

Active Projects

jbovlaste: The Lojban Dictionary Editing System

jbovlaste is a lojbanic dictionary editing system that is now in full production. It was created primarily by Jay Kominek and Robin Powell.

Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2005

jbovlaste is fully functional, highly utilized throughout the community, and has lots of words in it.

Unfortunately, things are a bit of a mess internally. The noralujv imports have never been finished, for example. This sort of work is currently taking a backseat to the BPFK.

Lojban Archives Project

Bob LeChevalier is serving as project leader of the Lojban Archives Project. He collects any and all Loglan and Lojban materials that people send them, thus serving as a historical repository for the language development and growth. He also uses the material to research and respond to questions about the history of the Loglan Project, and the intentions of JCB and the early developers of Lojban; if you have any such questions please e-mail him.

Lojban List

The Lojban Mailing List is an ongoing project maintained by Bob LeChevalier, John Cowan, and Robin Powell.

Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2005

Still exists, although being hosted by the computers instead of Yahoo now. Very popular of late. There is also a beginners list.

Lojban Wiki

There is a wiki dedicated to lojban that you can contribute to.

Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2006

The Lojban Wiki (a Tiki, to be exact) is now being used to host the main website. The user-maintained portions are being updated regularily.

Lojban Beginners List

Jay Kominek moderates a mailing list for beginning speakers and readers of lojban. You can subscribe at the mailing list interface.


valfendi is a program implementing a more rigorous version of the Lojban morphology. Pierre Abbat is the manager of this project.

Project Report As Of 4 Aug 2004

Valfendi is, as far as I can tell, producing correct output and ready for review by others. It consists of an algorithm for breaking a stream of Lojban phonemes into words and an implementation of the algorithm. The algorithm needs editing for precision and checking for consistency with the implementation and checking for correctness. Proofs of correctness would also be nice (there's one theorem already in the text). Future plans include various output formats (HTML with word type coloring, XML with selrafsi indicated; the latter needs a lookup table which I'll implement as a CDB) and translating the algorithm to PEG (which I was going to do, but a sequence of foot injuries got in the way).

Web Sites

Robin Powell maintains the main lojban site, based in California. xod maintains the Lojban Web ring, which has sites created by several other Lojbanists.

You can also look at a list of Old LLG Projects.

Created by rlpowell. Last Modification: Monday 29 of September, 2014 06:12:05 GMT by mukti.