Old Draft Textbook

This directory
contains the current draft of the Lojban textbook. This is a
very rough draft and contains many omissions and typesetting
deficiencies. There is no plan to work on it until the reference
grammar and dictionary are complete.

  1. Lessons 0 and 1, or Lesson 0, part1 and Lesson 0, part 2
  2. Lesson 2
  3. Lesson 3
  4. Lesson 4
  5. Lesson 5
  6. Lesson 6
  7. Lesson 7
  8. Lesson 8
  9. Lesson 9
  10. Lesson 10
  11. Lesson 11
  12. Lesson 12
  13. Lesson 13
  14. Lesson 14
  15. Lesson 15
  16. Lesson 16
  17. Lesson 17
  18. Lesson 18
  19. Lesson 19
  20. Lesson 20
  21. Lesson 21
  22. Lesson 22

(Note: The filenames are lesson01 through lesson22.)

Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 file versions:

Created by rlpowell. Last Modification: Friday 06 of January, 2006 21:21:40 GMT by brablonau.
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