Price List as of 19 Jan 2000
For current prices, please go to the publications page.
Send orders to:
The Logical Language Group. Inc. 2904 Beau Lane Fairfax VA 22031 (USA)
or email:
We try to respond to all requests within 2 months, though we don't
always manage this. Notify us if you have waited longer than that for a
response. Money for orders and balance deposits refundable on
The Complete Lojban Language, by John Woldemar Cowan
The Lojban reference grammar, a complete description of the Lojban
grammar, with index, reference-quality hardbound, 660 pg. $39 +
shipping as follows (book orders and shipping costs are independent of
all other orders, and do not count towards large order discounts)
Shipping and handling charges per book are as follows:
Within the U.S. | US$5 (USPS 4th class) $10 (UPS) |
Canada and Mexico | US$6 |
All other countries (surface mail) | US$10 |
All other countries (airmail) | US$22 |
There is a $5 net discount on shipping costs for multiple book orders.
Other materials
Orders for other materials are filled at a
significantly lower priority than book orders.
Prices shown are for single items, mailed to US/Canada/Mexico at
first class/air mail rates, and are calculated at a base price of 10
cents per page. Price adjustments for other mailings currently are:
- Prepaid Orders over $20.00
- with non-negative voluntary balance--20%
- Non-North-American Destinations
- shipped via International Airlift Bulk (ISAL) where possible +20%
+30% air mail
- Virginia orders
- sales tax of 4.5% added, except on le lojbo karni/ju'i lobypli subscriptions.
Master Card/Visa/American Express balance or order payments
acceptable via phone or postal mail. We cannot accept card numbers
via Internet.
Non-US convertible currency checks are accepted at exchange rate with
US$5 service charge; Canadian checks are accepted at exchange rate with
no additional charge.
Example: Packages 1, 2, and 3 total 554 pages. US/Canada base price US$54.40 (VA + sales tax $2.45); Overseas base price +20% US$65.28, but US$54.40 prepaid; US/Canada prepaid -20% US$43.52 (VA + sales tax $1.96)
Our prices reflect actual
costs; we are a non-profit organization. All prices are recommended
contributions to voluntary balances; we may refuse orders from
non-contributors if we are short of funds (which we are). We place
priority on supporting non-U.S Lojbanists who keep in touch with us,
even if they are non-contributing. We will notify you if we cannot
fill your order.
Printed Material Packages
(Remember 20% discount on large prepaid orders applies):
Note that nearly all of this material is available for download.
Package 2 is obsolete with the publication of the Reference Grammar
book. The other packages will be replaced by book publications as they
become available.
- (Package 0) $5.00
- The initial package of brochure and introductory materials. 66 pg.
Contains la lojban mo Brochure (16p), Overview of Lojban (16p), Diagrammed Summary of Lojban Grammar with Example Sentences (22p), latest issue of le lojbo karni (approx. 12 pg).
- (Package 1) $19.00
- Word lists and language description. 190 pg.
- combined with Package 0 (no le lojbo karni) $22.80
Contains gismu lists, Lojban and English order (72p), Sorted rafsi List--with rules for lujvo (14p), Complete cmavo List, Lojban and selma'o order (32p), Extended BNF Grammar (6p), latest issue of ju'i lobypli (est. 70 pg)
- (Package 2) $14.00
- Language design information. 140 pg.
- combined with Package 1 $33.00
- combined with Packages 0+1 (no le lojbo karni) $36.80
Contains Baselined Lojban Grammarwith introduction and index (30p), Synopsis of Lojban Orthography, Phonology and Morphologypronunciation and word forms (38p), Lojban Attitudinals--with word list (18p), Papers on Lojban Negation (38p), and Tense system (16p)
- (Package 3) $21.40
- Draft teaching materials. 214 pg.
- combined with Package 2 $35.40
- combined with Package 1+2 $54.40
- combined with Packages 0+1+2 (no le lojbo karni) $58.20
Contains 22 draft textbook-style lessons. Lessons presume you have Packages 1 and 2, and require some vocabulary learning technique, which you must order separately.
gismu are the Lojban root words.
rafsi are the combining forms of the Lojban gismu roots. cmavo are the words
that govern the grammatical structure of a Lojban sentence. Attitudinals
are cmavo that indicate the speaker's emotional
and discursive attitudes toward what is being said.
Vocabulary and Other Study Materials
You need a method to learn the vocabulary. We recommend using one of
the LogFlash programs if you have an appropriate computer. See the
listings below for computer-oriented Lojbanists. Otherwise, we recommend
using the flash cards. Note that the flash cards date to the first
baseline and are outdated as to place structures and rafsi. As such, we
have reduced the price by $5 per set.
- gismu Flash Cards, Instructions and List $10.00 for first set
- Each additional set $7.50 with no instructions or word list
- Cassette tape supporting Draft Lessons $10.00
- --requires package 3 purchase (cassette doesn't match current text order)
Computer Software
- LogFlash 1 - gismu, $25.00
- (MS-DOS) - 1992 edition, current lists, outdated manual
- LogFlash 3 - cmavo, $25.00
- (MS-DOS) - 1992 version, current lists
- MAC Logflash 1, $20.00
- MacIntosh - 1@ 3 1/2" diskette and printed manual
- HyperCard MAC LogFlash 1 with Computer Voicing, $20.00
- MacIntosh - 1@ 3 1/2" diskette and on-disk manual
- Upgrade of any of the above programs to newest version
- - with non-negative account balance $15.00
- Random Sentence Generator, $10.00
- (MS-DOS)1@ 5 1/4" diskette (3 1/2" no extra charge on request)
- lujvo-making Program and Random Drill, $10.00
- 1@ 5 1/4" diskette (3 1/2" no extra charge on request)
Back Issues
Back Issues of ju'i lobypli (JL) and
le lojbo karni (LK) are
available at 10 cents/page; JL17 and later issues will have a flat price
of $9.00 until 1 year after the
cover date. Former JL inserts now in packages are not sent with their
original JL.
- UL1 (44p), UL2 (38p), HL3 (68p), JL4 (40p), JL5 (54p)
- These are of primarily historical interest.
- JL6 (58p), JL7 (70p), JL8 (27p), JL9 (36p), JL10 (45p), JL11 (60p), JL12 (34p), JL13 (56p), JL14 (96p), JL15 (88p), JL16 (48p), JL17 (72p), JL18 (70p).
- JL11 is available at 1/2 price with other orders due to large overstock
Partial description of issues:
- JL6 and JL7
- Sapir-Whorf testing and other goals for Lojban.
- JL8
- machine translation and Lojban.
- JL9
- Lojban as a mathematics interlingua.
- JL10
- large quantity of Lojban text, open grammar issues.
- JL11
- first Lojban poetry, a comparison of Lojban and Esperanto, outline of a semiotics course using Lojban.
- JL12
- language change proposals.
- JL13
- much Lojban text, more on Esperanto and Lojban, General Semantics research.
- JL14
- Lojban and the linguistics community.
- JL15
- linguistics research, grammar, much Lojban text, bibliography on linguistic relativity.
- JL16
- computer processing of Lojban.
- JL17
- Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, Lojban Kalevala project.
- JL18
- Grammar, rafsi, usage
- LK8 (12p), LK9 (14p), LK10 (22p), LK11 (18p), LK12 (8p), LK13 (8p), LK14 (10p), LK15 (18p), LK16 (20pg), LK17 (12pg)
- LK is primarily news-oriented, and back issues are useful only for completeness of a collection. Starting with JL12, LK material is a subset extracted from JL and is redundant.
Our publications and software are generally copyrighted, with
unrestricted permission to copy and distribute any publication or
program as long as you retain any copyright notices, and do not charge
for the product. Any derivative works must subscribe to this license.
For draft materials, please request permission to copy. All word lists
and language definition materials are public domain, unless otherwise
noted in your copy.