terms = terms-1 ...
terms-1 = terms-2 [PEhE # joik-jek terms-2] ...
terms-2 = term [CEhE # term] ...
term = sumti | (tag | FA #) (sumti | /KU#/) | termset | NA KU #
termset = NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/ | NUhI # terms /NUhU#/
We reduce terms-1 and then terms-2 as follows:
terms-2 PEhE # joik-jek terms-2: reduces to "NUhI gek terms-2 /NUhU/ gik terms-2 /NUhU/"
term (CEhE # term) ...: reduces to "term ..."
At this point we can also reduce:
NUhI # terms /NUhU#/: reduces to "terms"
So we now have:
terms = term ...
term = sumti
| (tag | FA #) (sumti | /KU#/)
| NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/
| NA KU #
Now we deal with sumti:
sumti = sumti-1 [VUhO # relative-clauses]
sumti-1 = sumti-2 [(ek | joik) [[stag] KE # sumti /KEhE#/]
sumti-2 = sumti-3 [joik-ek sumti-3] ...
sumti-3 = sumti-4 [(ek | joik) [[stag] BO # sumti-3]
sumti-4 = sumti-5 | gek sumti gik sumti-4
sumti-5 = [quantifier] sumti-6 [relative-clauses]
| quantifier selbri /KU#/ [relative-clauses]
We reduce sumti-3 to sumti-4 (ignoring [stag] starting from the innermost:
sumti-4 (ek | joik) [stag] BO # sumti-4: reduces to "gek sumti-4 gik sumti-4"
Then we reduce every sumti-2 to sumti-4
sumti-4 joik-ek sumti-4: reduces to "gek sumti-4 gik sumti-4"
Then we reduce sumti-1 to sumti-4 starting from the innermost. We ignore [VUhO relative-clauses] and [stag].
sumti-4 [(ek | joik) [[stag] KE # sumti-4 /KEhE#/]: reduces to "gek sumti-4 gik sumti-4"
So we now have:
sumti = sumti-5 | gek sumti gik sumti
sumti-5 = [quantifier] sumti-6 [relative-clauses]
| quantifier selbri /KU#/ [relative-clauses]
We reduce quantified sumti-5 to KOHA1-form (if sumti-6 is not already KOhA1):
quantifier sumti-6 [relative-clauses]: reduces to "KOhA1 xi number poi ke'a me sumti-6 ku'o [zi'e relative-clauses]"
quantifier selbri /KU#/ [relative-clauses]: reduces to "KOhA1 xi number poi ke'a selbri ku'o [zi'e relative-clauses]"
We reduce unquantified sumti-5 to KOHA4-form (if sumti-6 is not already KOhA4):
sumti-6 [relative-clauses]: reduces to "KOhA4 xi number goi sumti-6 ge'u [zi'e relative-clauses]"
Where number is chosen so as to use a new variable in each case. We now have:
terms = term ...
term = sumti
| (tag | FA #) (sumti | /KU#/)
| NUhI # gek terms /NUhU#/ gik terms /NUhU#/
| NA KU #
sumti = [quantifier] KOhA xi number [relative-clauses]
| gek sumti gik sumti