Humorous epithet for those who believe that a period should become mandatory before all cmevla in all contexts, as per The Case Against LA.
The revised rule is very simple: All cmevla in all context require a period or space (in writing) or a glottal stop or pause (in speech) both before and after them, regardless of grammatical context. You can ignore anything about "la", "lai", or "doi" being impermissible inside cmevla.
Originally invented by rlpowell, the idea was spun into a Cafepress t-shirt by clsn. (Note that the proceeds of t-shirt sales do NOT go to the LLG.)
- the link leads to the "ganai do jimpe ..." shirt. That has nothing to do with the Dot Side. I looked around, and the only other design I saw was the LogFest one. The Dot Side shirt appears to no longer exist. .uinai - .aionys.