- The apostrophe is supplanted with h, in cases of ambiguity, and eliminated, when not ambiguous with VV in grammatical Lojban. A downside to this scheme is firstly that /'/ is not only [h] or an assimilated variety thereof, but also [T] (th), and secondly that <h> may be required as an allograph of . A (never-used) solution might be to use <q> instead.
- Deleting all apostrophes and respelling i and u in diphthongs with y and w. (This then makes h available as an allograph of x.) An objection to this is that the dual use of y (sometimes representing [@] and sometimes [j]) violates audio-visual isomorphism.
- Mark Shoulson still likes the idea of permitting h as an allograph of '. It's easy to read and hard to miss or mistake. Especially handy in manuscript. This is distinct from And Rosta's orthographies, in that this is the only change advocated. Indeed, this is the only viable option is certain computer environments, for example, where ' is not allowed.
- Jay Kominek likes it too, thinks the ' is silly, but mostly keeps it to himself, because it doesn't affect the way anything works.
- Or at least where use of ' is horribly complicated, as ' has a lot of meaning attached to it.
- kreig.daniyl. prefers to pronounce ' as /T/, so he doesn't like using h. However, he wonders how one italicizes just an apostrophe on wiki...
- la feliks. cu ba'e ca'o nelci lo tai go'o
mu'a la .alis.
Nihoniho pa moho Mohi niha lo ractu kevna Niho la Alis coha tatpi lo nu zutse lo rirxe korbi reho lo mensi gihe zukte fi no da. I qabu cu sohu roi sutra zgana lo cukta poi my tcidu. I kuhi cy vasru no pixra ja nuncasnu. I «lu jiha ma prali —sei la Alis cu pensi— fi lo cukta, poi vasru no pixra ja nuncasnu lihu». Niho qabu caho menli jdice (to se kai lo xagrai selkahe, poi se curmi lo glare donri, noi rinka lo nu qabu lifri lo nu sipydji je bebna toi) lo duhu xu kau lo nu pluka fa lo nu zbasu lo xrula linsi cu se vamji lo raktu, poi nu sahirbiho gihe crepu lo xrula. I ca bo suksa fa lo nu lo blabi ractu, poi xunblabi se kanla cu bajra zoha qabu. ...
en | lj | e.g. | ||
1. | {h} ≡ {'} | The symbol {h} unconditionally replaces the apostrophe. | .ei zoi ly. h ly. cu basti lo .y'y. | cohe zohe duhu |
2. | {q} ≡ {.} | The symbol {q} optionally replaces the dot. | .einai zoi ly. q ly. cu basti lo denpa bu | qai qei qia qoho quu |
3. | {w} ≡ {,} | The symbol {w} unconditionally replaces the comma. | .ei zoi ly. w ly. cu basti lo slaka bu | la .mistr.maiwers. |
4. | {á} ≡ {A} | The acute accent unconditionally replaces capital vowels for indicating non-standard emphasis. | .ei la .akut. cu basti lo tau bu tepi'o nu nalna'o basna | la .iván. |
5. | {A} ≡ {.a} | All capital letters imply a {.} in front. In name words, the right {.} is elidable. By convention, {.} is preferred with the sentence separator, and {q} for occurrences of the pause or glottal stop within a sentence e.g. with attitudinals. | lo ro lerfu be tau bu cu vasru le denpa ca'u vo'a .i .e'a ne'i lo cmene le pritu denpa cu canci .i fi'o tcaci ko cuxna le denpa bu tepi'o nu bridi tersei gi'e cuxna ky.bu ne'i lo bridi mu'a sedi'o lo cnima'o | Niho la Mistr Maiwers cu cohe. Ije myq cohe. |
6. | {[(,;:‒—¡!¿?«»)]} | Arbitrary punctuation marks except {.} may be used to enhance written text to ease readability for human eyes and are to be ignored by parsers. This means that they do not replace the respective structure words, only improve their visibility. Structure words still are written out. | .e'a cunso cuxna lo terpandi poi na du denpa bu tepi'o lo nu xagmaugau be lo tcidu kamka'e pe lo selci'a ga'a remna gi'e .ei na se jundi lo genturfa'i .i ti smuni le du'u le go'i na basti le srana cmavo gi'e po'o xagmaugau lo vo'a viska kamka'e .i .ei lo cmavo cu ca'o se ciska | «lu...lihu»; (to...toi); [duhu...gehu]; zohe, poi; ¿cohe ma? |