Music and Instruments
See also: Music terminology
- music - zgike
- any bass instrument - dzitogytci
- brass instrument - tabra
- tuba - dzitogytabra?
What about the Sousaphone, or other low brass?
- tuba - dzitogytabra?
- musical instrument - zgitci
- any stringed instrument - jgita
- guitar, specifically -
- banjo - damryjgita (any stringed instrument with a drumskin soundboard)
- violin, specifically - violni
It seems inconsistent to have a fu'ivla for violin specifically but not guitar.
Music Theory
- algorithmic music - pruce zgike? tadji zgike?
- chord - togygri?
$g_1=t_1 are a group of tones of frequencies/pitches $t_2 showing common property (such as scale membership) (ka) $g_2 showing tonal relation $g_4 - counterpoint -
- harmony - togygri saske?
- intonation (as in playing in tune or not) - tonga srera klani?
- just intonation - frinu togygri? prane togygri?
- melody -
- playing out of tune - tonga srera?
- scale - tonga ciste?
- serial music - porsi zgike?
- temperament -
- tone row - tonga porsi?