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za'e sresre --was the illogic of Lojban

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On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:49 AM, me, <mungojelly@ixkey.info> wrote:

>> To me an obvious first step is to draw a bright line between
>> inward-facing language design (tinkering, experimentation,
>> exploration), and outward-facing simplification and education. That's
>> right, we should lower ourselves to the lie of simplification; don't
>> respond to a simple question with a list of exceptions. I believe
>> also that we ought to establish a taboo against unsolicited
>> corrections: if someone says "mi cilre la lojban." (I learn Lojban,
>> incorrectly phrased), we should say "mi gleki lo nu do cilre fi la
>> lojban." (I'm happy you're learning about Lojban), positive
>> reenforcement and providing a good model, not "Lojban can't be in the
>> second place of cilre! The second place of cilre is a fact that's
>> learned!", which is true but unhelpfully critical.

Matt Arnold then responded <matt.mattarn@gmail.com>:

> I strongly agree.
> -Eppcott

.ie cai dai .ie cai

I would like to share a related idea, that came to me in the form of a
lujvo. I haven't been much of a lujvo-maker (what's a good lujvo for
that?) up until now, having taken seriously the advice that
lujvo-making is not for ninpre. I think that I'm no longer quite a
ninpre, and I would like to try my hand at it.

za'e zo sresre, srera zei srera, to make an error type-of error. As
we all know, when an error has been made, the uncertainty of the
situation following that error can often result in further errors,
compounding tragedy upon tragedy. To sresre, in general, is to
compound an error, to make another error because of the unstable
situation resulting from a first error.

In particular I would like to propose a Lojbanic form of the taboo
against unrequested criticism:

"ko na sresre"

"Don't compound an error." Just because someone has made a mistake in
grammar, don't add the additional mistake of making a ninpre feel
unwelcome. The error that someone has most recently made is not
necessarily ba'u nai the lesson that they are presently most open to

mu'o mi'e la bret.

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