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Lojban In General

zo kibro

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Use this thread to discuss the zo kibro page.
posts: 324

Said the following on IRC:

15:59 <dbrock> .i lo mi kibro nirna ca'o ru'i nai spofu
16:00 <cmacis> .uu

16:12 <phma> kibro ki'a?

16:12 <cmacis> srana la'o gy internet gy

16:13 <phma> ma vlakra?

16:13 <cmacis> ti

16:14 <phma> ti goi ma? .i ma vlakra zo kibro?

16:15 <cmacis> mi na morji

Anyone know anything about this word? The first thing I thought
was "keyboard", remembering a coworker's puzzlement on encountering "kiboodo"
in a Japanese text, but apparently it isn't.


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On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Pierre Abbat <phma@phma.optus.nu> wrote:

> Said the following on IRC:
> 15:59 <dbrock> .i lo mi kibro nirna ca'o ru'i nai spofu
> 16:00 <cmacis> .uu

> 16:12 <phma> kibro ki'a?

> 16:12 <cmacis> srana la'o gy internet gy

> 16:13 <phma> ma vlakra?

> 16:13 <cmacis> ti

> 16:14 <phma> ti goi ma? .i ma vlakra zo kibro?

> 16:15 <cmacis> mi na morji
> Anyone know anything about this word? The first thing I thought
> was "keyboard", remembering a coworker's puzzlement on encountering "kiboodo"
> in a Japanese text, but apparently it isn't.

It's from "cyber-"

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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On 8/17/08, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's from "cyber-"

xu do finti zo kibro doi xorxes
.i mi zo kibro goi ko'a nelci
.i la .daniel. cu so'i roi pilno ko'a
.i ki'u bo mi cilre fi ko'a
.i mi to'e sarji pi so'a loi cnino gismu poi se finti
.i ku'i ko'a simlu lo ka traji plixau
.i mi ko'a sarji
.i la .daniel. cu jungau mi lo ji'a du'u zoi .raf. kib .raf. cu rafsi ko'a
.i xu do tugni .a'u fi lo te go'i

mu'o mi'e se ckiku

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 9:57 PM, Brett Williams <mungojelly@gmail.com> wrote:
> xu do finti zo kibro doi xorxes

.i go'i .i je'u mi pu xadba xalbo lo nu go'i .i ku'i so'o drata pu nelci ky
.i mi ji'a jinvi lo du'u plixau

> .i la .daniel. cu jungau mi lo ji'a du'u zoi .raf. kib .raf. cu rafsi ko'a
> .i xu do tugni .a'u fi lo te go'i

.i li'a go'i .i ka'e zbasu so'i lujvo ky

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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posts: 47

On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 19:17 -0400, Pierre Abbat wrote:

> Anyone know anything about this word kibro? The first thing I thought
> was "keyboard", remembering a coworker's puzzlement on encountering "kiboodo"
> in a Japanese text, but apparently it isn't.

It means "internet" or "cyberspace". It's an experimental gismu
invented by xorxes and it relates etymologically to the word "cyber".

I don't really know the place structure and I mostly use it as a seltau,
but I assume it would be something like "x1 is a cyberspace/virtual
world/internet inhabited by x2 and implemented by infrastructure x3" or
something like that.

So {kibro nirna}, of course, is "internet connection".

Daniel Brockman

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So what do you guys think should be the place structure?

Daniel Brockman

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posts: 324

On Monday 18 August 2008 00:47:14 Daniel Brockman wrote:
> So what do you guys think should be the place structure?

x1 is a cyberspace composed of people x2 communicating in protocol x3?


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On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Daniel Brockman
<daniel@gointeractive.se> wrote:
> So what do you guys think should be the place structure?

What I had in mind is something like:

"x1 pertains to the internet/cyberspace in aspect x2"

i.e. a very general cultural gismu type of place structure (the final -o was
chosen because of that, something like "x1 is cyberspatial" maybe).
It was not meant to be more specific than that. Since it will usually
be used as a modifier, the more general the more useful.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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> What I had in mind is something like:
> "x1 pertains to the internet/cyberspace in aspect x2"
> i.e. a very general cultural gismu type of place structure (the final -o
> was
> chosen because of that, something like "x1 is cyberspatial" maybe).
> It was not meant to be more specific than that. Since it will usually
> be used as a modifier, the more general the more useful.

I like that!

Daniel Brockman

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