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Lojban In General

converted gismu

posts: 71
Use this thread to discuss the converted gismu page.
posts: 71

might i ask a question?

i am currently making myself familiar with individual gismu as much as i can.

i am attempting to convert the definitions into all of their respective conversions, as best my understanding of the words allow

i am also striving to define clearly the use of those gismu in all converted forms to use as sumti

while? doing this is greatly beneficial to my understanding, do you have any tips on this, or is there a source where i can find the specified meaning of words like "selcpi"?

i found that jbovlaste is somewhat reliable for this, though not always as clear for an english speaker to use easily. that being the case, why doesnt jbovlaste add all of those lujvo and other words into the pdf when you create a dictionary, as that is the real value of the system to me?