Lojban In General

Lojban In General

posts: 14214

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a CFG for
Lojban. There are three options, with different monetary values
attached, in order of what we in the LLG board would prefer to get.

For $500: Produce a working CFG for Lojban, in any format that some
parser generator somewhere can accept, *or* in BNF or a well defined
extension thereof. It must support every aspect of the language
except for ZOI (which is fully context sensitive). Elidable
terminators are the hard part. To stop brute-force solutions that
would make the resulting grammar effectively useless, the total
number of productions in the CFG language must be less than 2,000.
Each alternation counts as a production for this purpose. For
comparison, a quick check of the current BNF shows less than 200.


For $300: Produce a CFG that correctly encodes 5 Lojban elidable
terminators and all the structures needed to produce sentences using
whatever features they terminate, with instructions for how to add
more. Two of those must be VAU and KU, which means your
sub-language must be able to produce real bridi. The instructions
for how to add more must be complete; that is, I should be able to
add an elidable terminator and its continget structurs inside of
half an hour. You must also demonstrate that the number of
productions does not grow much more than linearly; i.e. you must
demonstrate that the total number of productions in the resulting
CFG will be less than 2,000. Each alternation counts as a production
for this purpose. For comparison, a quick check of the current BNF
shows less than 200.


For $100: Formally prove that encoding Lojban's elidable terminators
is not possible in a CFG.


If you produce a grammar, I don't care what parser generator it
needs, or even if such a parser generator exists. I care only that
the language is actually a CFG, and that a parser generator could,
in principle, be built for whatever you came up with.

Having said that, I don't think it's formally possible to produce a
CFG that (for example) Perl's Parse::RecDescent can't recognize, and
the more obscure your CFG is the longer it'll take us to give you
the money.

No matter what you do, John Cowan and myself will be reviewing it.
We are the final arbiters of whether you have met the community's
needs, and our vote must be unanimous (this is not a problem: I
don't think we've ever disagreed on things of this level of
technical detail after we've had a chance to discuss them).

You'll probably want to start with the "extended" BNF at

It is a nonstandard BNF, in that it has markers for "magic elidable
terminators go here". You may want to use
instead. In case of confusion, the files above take precedence, and
the CLL takes precedence over those, but if you have such confusion,
you *MUST* explicitely mark it in your report on the work you've

Your grammar is permitted to not implement the following things:

ZOI (impossible in a CFG)

The reason is that those are Hard; see
http://www.lojban.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Magic+Words&bl=y It
must, however, be *possible* to implement all of them except ZOI.
Example, simplified implementations of each is therefore encouraged.


I and several other people have looked at this problem and strongly
believe that it is impossible to encode Lojban elidable terminators
in a CFG, at least without an exponential in the number of
terminators number of productions.


They say: "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm thinking: "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other than the default outcome?" — http://shorl.com/tydruhedufogre
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/

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you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.