2nd Language Creation Conference videos now part of LCS Podcast
Every other week we'll release another video from the 2nd Language
Creation Conference.
First up:
2nd Language Creation Conference, Day 1, Talk 6 - 7 July 2007
Donald Boozer - Drushek: The Sound of No Voice Speaking
High quality video: http://conlang.org/lcc2/video/Donald%20Boozer.mp4 (194 MB)
Faster, Flash based video:
Talk PPT: http://conlangs.berkeley.edu/lcc2/Donald_Boozer.ppt
Program: http://conlang.org/lcc2/LCC2_Program.pdf
The Drushek speak a language devoid of voicing and employ a gestural
component to denote semantic functions and some morphemes. How does
one transcribe the hisses, clicks, fricatives, and silent gestures of
such a language?
Don Boozer lives in Ohio and is currently a Subject Department
Librarian in Literature at Cleveland Public Library, one of the
nation's largest public research libraries. He has increased the
library's holdings of relevant books in the field of conlanging by
purchasing copies of the Klingon translations of Gilgamesh and
Shakespeare, Elgin's dictionary and grammar of Laadan, and Salo's A
Gateway to Sindarin, among others. He has also presented programs on
conlangs in literature and films and the basics of language creation,
as well as published articles on conlangs including an upcoming one on
introducing conlanging to teens. His interest in the "secret vice"
stems from an early fascination with languages and scripts going all
the way back to discovering On Beyond Zebra! by Dr. Seuss in his
elementary school library. His on-going projects including working on
languages for inhabitants of his conworld, Kryslan, which include
Umod, Elasin, and Drushek and learning ancient Egyptian as part of an
online study group.
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also be on the front page)
- Sai Emrys
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