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Lojban In General

[Fwd: The time is near! The Penguicon cometh!]

posts: 9

I'm sending it once again, expressly for Epkat's pleasure. Hope it gets
through this time.

---- Original Message ----
Subject: The time is near! The Penguicon cometh!
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 10:44:47 +0200
From: Elmo Todurov <todurov@gmail.com>
To: lojban-list@lojban.org

Sign up, fuckers!

And if your excuse is, "I can't afford it", then it's a bad excuse. People are
willing to help with money.

lo fanmo cu jibni .i la zipspisla ba zi fasnu

.i ko bregau le do pruxi .i gau ko jmaji fa le do jdini .i ko klama la zipspisla

.i va'o do dukse pindi la ricfu famti camgusmis .e lo drata .ai sidju do lo nu

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