Closed alpha testers wanted ...
Hi all,
I have a small project that I believe will be of interest
to the lojban community. I'm following the philosophy of
"Launch Early, Launch Often" and I currently have an
unattractive, bug-ridden version running that's guaranteed
to lose your meticulously entered data.
If you are interested in helping me to get this debugged
and ready for "prime-time" then please email me. I only
have a small number of places, but I'm looking for a wide
spread of abilities and interests. The lojban community,
in which I've been a lurker for 20 years, seems ideal,
both for intelligent testers to give good feedback, and
for people who will quickly find the service to be of use.
In effect it is a system to facilitate serendipitous
meetings between people of similar interests. It's not
a competitor for things like MySpace or FaceBook - it
serves a different purpose.
If you're interested then Google for my name and send me
an email via the link on my web site. Please include the
word "lojban" in the subject so you are guaranteed to get
through my spam filters.
Colin Wright
PS: For the avoidance of doubt, I am married to Rachel.
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