Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Why Google Should Learn Lojban

posts: 40 United States

http://www.reddit.com/tb/8ssl6 (
Let me know what you think of this post =]

It's basically geared towards non-lojbananas talking about how
Google could use lojban for its translations engine and it should
offer it as a language. Request it:


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Danny
Piccirillo<danny.piccirillo@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.reddit.com/tb/8ssl6 (http://pinstack.blogspot.com/2008/10/why-google-should-learn-lojban.html)
> Let me know what you think of this post =]
> It's basically geared towards non-lojbananas talking about how
> Google could use lojban for its translations engine and it should offer it as a language. Request it:
> translation-services@google.com

The trouble with using Lojban for their translation engine is that it
is entirely statistical in nature (in fact, it processes language in
exactly the way that the example sentence "colorless green ideas sleep
furiously" was invented to claim as an impossibility), so its best
interlanguage is one with massive heaps of parallel text lying around
between that and all the other languages.

Lojban would be nice, but we don't have enough of a corpus yet.

Not that I wouldn't love having Lojban available from Google in other
ways, of course. That would be great.

mu'o mi'e .kreig.

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