Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Academic background on Lojban

Hello all,

I am new to Lojban, and I'd like to know a bit more about the academic background of it. More specifically, I'd like to know where I can find scientific publications about Lojban, and maybe a list of academic researchers or academic projects working on Lojban-related topics. I have not been able to find this information on the Lojban website.


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posts: 162

klaus612@gmx.net wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to Lojban, and I'd like to know a bit more about the academic background of it. More specifically, I'd like to know where I can find scientific publications about Lojban, and maybe a list of academic researchers or academic projects working on Lojban-related topics. I have not been able to find this information on the Lojban website.

Honestly, there aren't any. We would like that there be some, but until
we get a much larger speaker base, there likely won't be. There have
been a couple of academic papers written with reference to Lojban, but
they really are minor. They are possibly on the website somewhere - one
was by Ivan Derzhanski on types of tanru (some of the paper was added to
the tanru chapter of CLL - I don't know if the paper was published in
any academic publication)

and a couple were by Nick Nicholas - from his web page:

Nicholas, N. 1996a. Lojban as a Machine Translation Interlanguage in the
Pacific. Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence: Workshop on 'Future Issues for Multilingual Text
Processing', Cairns, Australia, 27 August 1996. 31-39.*
(the cite on the page is invalid - but the following has a good link to
a cached PDF)

Nicholas, N. 2002. Folk Functionalism in Planned Language: The
Long-Distance Reflexive vo'a in Lojban. Journal of Universal Language
3:1. 133-167.

In looking for a copy of the former, I found
which apparently has a reference to Lojban, but I haven't read the paper.

I have one academic project based on testing the relationship between
learnability of words and the recognition score that was used in
wordmaking, but I haven't worked on it in years, and I would likely pass
it to someone else who was interested, and who had a better statistical
background than I have.

We did some planning for a preliminary experiment for a Sapir-Whorf
test, but we never actually tried it.


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posts: 10

There are some papers that don't deal directly with Lojban, but rather
with using it as a basis for building other systems:
- http://www.goertzel.org/new_research/lojban_AI.pdf
- http://ling16.ling.su.se:8080/new_PubDB/doc_repository/236
(Don't ask. I have no idea why they did that)

mu'o mi'e florolf

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