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jbolatmi'a - o rly?

posts: 85851
posts: 85851

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you make me happy bigtime :-)

derf and i just discussed wether iacu'i might be a better translation of
'o rly?'. what do you think?

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On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Timo
Paulssen<timonator@perpetuum-immobile.de> wrote:
> james riley wrote:
>> http://jbo.bravehost.com/myPictures/ianai.jpg
> clarification:
> derf and i just discussed wether iacu'i might be a better translation of
> 'o rly?' than ianai is. what do you think?

But iacu'i/ianai are completely devoid of sarcasm. "o rly?" seems to
express some kind of fake naivete, but that is totally absent from
iacu'i/ianai, which is plain doubt or disbelief. Wouldn't something
like "ua ju'opei" be a more appropriate translation? (I'm not really a
user of "o rly?" so I'm just going by the wikipedia description.)

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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posts: 66 United States

>But iacu'i/ianai are completely devoid of sarcasm. "o rly?" seems to
express some kind of fake naivete, but that is totally absent from
iacu'i/ianai, which is plain doubt or disbelief. Wouldn't something
like "ua ju'opei" be a more appropriate translation? (I'm not really a
user of "o rly?" so I'm just going by the wikipedia description.)

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

Well, I agree on that point. "O RLY?" comes with a level of sarcasm,
usually followed by an equally sarcastic "YA RLY" and then completing
with "NO WAI!!!".