selbri fa place and gadri question
I have two questions. The first is: why MUST the x1 place (un-marked with
se/fa) always be to the left of the selbri? What was the design decision
that leads {nelci mi do} to mean "someone (unspecified) likes me having
something to do with you" instead of the seemingly obvious "like, I do you"
-> "I like
My second question came about when I was trying to think of how one might
word my first question in lojban. I quickly realized that I needed a gadri
that gets at the defining form of a word. So I wanted to say {ma lo krinu
lo nu selbri cu se smuni ...} where the "" is some gadri which means
"that x which defines what is a(n) x". So maybe another way to think about
it would be, how would you say "lions are animals". Am I saying "the
typical"? Not really, because all lions by definition are animals. It's
not quite {ro da} either because I'm not talking about "all lions" but about
"that quintessential lion (theoretical) which defines how lion-y a real
world thing is".
- pafcribe