anyone got gismu categories?
coi ro do
I've used parley and similar flash card programs to learn languages in the
past. I'd like to do the same with lojban, and it would be really helpful if
there was some categorical resource to group gismu. There's categorical info
in the cmavo list available on is there any similar resource
for gismu?
I understand that there's probably unclassifiable exceptions, but it seems
like categories like animals, physical movements and gestures, etc should be
doable and a useful learning resource. In the gismu lists here and here there's references,
but no hierarchical information... as in "gerku" will say "(cf. danlu)" and
"danlu" will say "(cf. gerku)."
Anyhow, I'm asking because I began making a spreadsheet with such categories
for my own study, which I'm glad to share if anyone wants to help/use it,
but I figured I'd ask in case the work had already been done!
do tcidu .i ki'e
mo'u mi'e ku'us