jai'i SE
fai'i FA
Move old x1 to 'fai'i'-tagged place. New x1 is sumti raised out of fai'i-tagged old x1.
Works like jai broda, except that it allows jai BAI jai'i broda ... fai ko'a ... fai'i ko'e.
xorxes comments:
- jai BAI jai broda is already allowed. I suppose you can use jai, jaixipa, fai, faixipa if you need to.
Shouldn't jai'i be in selma'o JAI? (Not to mention that it isn't neccesary, but I wondered why you had chosen SE) --mi'e .djorden.
- I can't remember now, & it doesn't seem worthwhile reconstructing my reasoning, given that jai'i isn't needed. --And