{jvsv ba'ucpi} utter+bird
{jvsv ba'usni} utter+sign
{jvsv babranti} soap+soft
{jvsv babysenta} soap+layer
{jvsv badbe'uze'a} defend+abdomen+increase
{jvsv badbra} defend+big
{jvsv badyca'i} defend+authority — really old rafsi-ism for {jvsv barda}+{jvsv carmi}
{jvsv badyfenra} defend+crack
{jvsv badyjafyde'i} defend+foot+tooth
{jvsv badyjafyde'icalku} defend+foot+tooth+shell
{jvsv badytei} defend+time
{jvsv badyxu'e} defend+red
{jvsv bakcindu} bovine+oak — No occurrences in corpus, phma said there were no "bovine" oak species. I say we drop it.
{jvsv bankisto} language+Pakistani — upside-down
{jvsv banpi'o} language+piano - prolly old-rafsi-ism for {jvsv baupli}
{jvsv banrau} language+unit
{jvsv barle'a} out+take — too damn specific. {jvsv vimcu}
{jvsv batklanoi} bite+come+message
{jvsv baucre} "polyglot" (noralujv) No usage found.
{jvsv baugla} language+hot
{jvsv bauzgu} language+rose — poetic compound from Michael Helsem. It appeared there as {jvsv banzgu}, and was translated as "language-rose".
{jvsv beipre} "waiter" (noralujv) redundant {jvsv prenu}? But no other bestguesses for "waiter".
{jvsv befpre} abdomen+person
{jvsv bi'acpa} ill+get — probably malglico for "become ill"
{jvsv bicycti} bee+eat — why is "citka lo bifce" not enough?
{jvsv bijyku'a} "jbovlaste import: Main lang en office" (noralujv) How is this different from {jvsv briju}?
{jvsv bixmro} become+dead — upside-down, see {jvsv mrobi'o}
{jvsv bixycikna} become+awake — upside-down
{jvsv blacucpli} blue+shoe+use — ridiculously specific
{jvsv blapikta} blue+ticket
{jvsv blarirni} blue+parent
{jvsv blarulkemymlecaipurdi} blue+flower+type-of+beautiful+intense+garden
{jvsv blarulkemymletcepurdi} blue+flower+type-of+beautiful+much+garden
{jvsv blazda} blue+nest — why do we need a lujvo for blue houses?!
{jvsv blejmi} weak+understand — probably upside-down, suggest {jvsv jmible}
{jvsv blibloblu} block+boat+blood — probably just playing around with alliteration
{jvsv blikinfonxa} block+cinema+telephone
{jvsv bloblu} boat+blood — probably just playing around with alliteration
{jvsv bolga'a} ball+rod — Intended as use in the tanru for "bolga'a jubme" for pool table. Never use a tanru for such a specific concept!
{jvsv bolgu'o} "in tanru for bowling" (noralujv) — VERY dubious if it can't be assigned a meaning as stand-alone.
{jvsv bongusta} wave+restaurant — natlang-derived
{jvsv brabrabrabra} big+big+big+big — when {jvsv brabra} or {jvsv brabrabra} just isn't enough
{jvsv brada'e} big+pressure — can a pressure be big?
{jvsv bradei} big+full-day — can a day be big?
{jvsv bragai} big+cover — from TLI Loglan
{jvsv bragaigrudjo} big+cover+grain+Saudi — nonsensical, suspect old-rafsi-ism. Or maybe it's from TLI Loglan.
{jvsv bravau} "large container" (noralujv) — Seems to be intended only for use in the tanru "{jvsv limna} {jvsv bravau}" (=swimming pool)
{jvsv brigla} predicate+hot — temperature irrelevant for predicates
{jvsv brumle} brush+beautiful
{jvsv brusto} brush+constant