The rationale for this is (i) to provide more than ten ko'a-series anaphors (tho presumably the ten can be extended as {ko'a xi PA}, just as the three da-series can be thus extended), (ii) to provide more mnemonic variable labels than "ko'a/ko'e/...", and (iii) to abbreviate {ko'a goi la ab}. --AndR.
How about ko'a'a, ko'a'e, ko'a'i, etc.
''That saves a syllable or two over {ko'a xi PA}, but doesn't help with (ii-iii). Keeping track of referents of lots of da's and ko'a's is hard. More
mnemonic names would help. --And.''
I don't see how a LA sumti can do what you want, or what ii and iii actually mean. Defining ko'a'V, ko'e'V, ko'i'V ko'o'V, and ko'u'V to be KOhA-series anaphora seems much more to the point and would be easier to remember. Need another variable? Tack on your favorite vowel! It could even be used to associate variables with each other. --jay
You can always just use lerfu strings, of course. See lerfu pro-sumti, and why ko'a sucks. --mi'e mark