Here should go all the projects people have or may have (or may have the intention of doing some time) along with all the people who are doing something about it (fortunately, Lojbab doesn't come here too often, so he won't have his name down for all of them zo'o).
'Stuff LLG is trying to get done'
- Mini-dictionary: nitcion is writing up a plan of action...
- Full-dictionary
- Lojban text-book
'Translations of Lojban learning material'
- Into French
- gi'uste on cvs being worked on by greg and pier is nearing completion, will need reviewing
- a complete gi'uste, currently being reviewed, can be found here.
- ma'oste Some selma'o are available here.
- jvoste Not even started
- Lessonsgreg. is thinking of doing some lessons based on those written by nitcion
- CLL chapter 2 (A Quick Tour of Lojban Grammar)translated in French at
- Into German
- gi'uste la pycyn. posted the first couple of gismu on the mailing list; pne fiddled around with them and added a couple more. pier suggested putting it on CVS. pne got around to putting what he had so far onto CVS and will continue to add more as he gets around to it. Contributions are still welcome via gi'uste bau la daitc; pick a letter that's not already claimed and start translating.Or start from giuste-de.txt on CVS and start somewhere in the middle or near the end (not immediately from where I left off, since that's where I want to continue).
- Into Spanish
- Into Hebrew
- gi'uste on the twiki: is being worked on by Adam.
- Into Russian
- ilya writes LojbanInRussian
'Additions to existing learning material'
- The minilesson should receive an answer key. Apparently, people have been sending in answers but the promised commented answer key does not exist yet.
'Translations into Lojban'
- Alice on cvs needs reviewing
- I am essaying a translation of The Importance of Being Earnest as time permits, as a private/personal project. [Feel free to delete this entry if this page is supposed to be for only for collaborative projects.] (There are loads of other translations by others that haven't been listed here, & I can't decide whether I should use my limited time to review that or to work on my own translation.)
- Tintin - L'ÃŽle Noire, page 42 - may be followed by a complete translation if allowed by the rights owner (still in discussion).
'New learning material'
'Original lojban material'
- Please record yourself saying the xirli'u selsanga and post it to the yahoo file server. A list of recordings, which we all should be keeping updated .e'o, is at Multimedia.
- la maikl. is inputting the original jbopemci from ziryroi (as his schedule permits), & hopes to add revisions &/or new versions, with commentary, in the fullness of time.
- pc is working on the logic of the logical language in a desultory fashion. The latest phases of this (going on a year old) are at Logical Language and Logic Language Draft 1.1 and following. Comments are welcomed — indeed encouraged, also questions directed toward further steps (use the Discussion tab).
- Chrestomathy - This is a collection of translated and original writings designed to show a wide sampling of a language. We will want to produce one of these for Lojban after the core language description books are written. We need translations of texts generally a bit longer than the typical effort (1000-10000 words), and as wide a variety of texts and styles, from as many different source languages as possible.
- Lojban diphone speech synthesizer - Xavier is conducting this one. It is aiming to be a complete Lojban speech text-to-speech system. Candide Kemmler has already recorded diphones, they reside at The most time-consuming work that remains now is marking up the start, end and middle of the diphones in the corpus.
- Pierre Abbat is working on valfendi, a complete rewrite of the lexical analyzer and morphological validator for Lojban, including different options on which cmene are valid and which fu'ivla have rafsi.