sapir .uorf.

sapir. uorf.

Wow. A page that tells me nothing that's not in the title.

(After meditating on this for 12 years, i moved the period from in front of the "u" to after the "r".)

  • Why not sapir.uorf. or sapir. .uorf.?
  • (I'll get back with you in 2013.)

Shouldn't it be "sypIr."?

Probably (for himself) {sapIr} but notice also that Ben's name is "Whorf," not "Worf," though I have no (definitive) idea how to show that: sapIr'uorf., sapIr. xuorf.? pc

And many of us don't pronounce {w} and {wh} differently, so .uorf. is fine. - mi'e. kreig.daniyl.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday 30 of November, 2001 12:31:04 GMT by admin.