The following symbols are found on standard keyboard layouts in various languages. Some jbopre have suggested that assigning them to high-frequency cmavo might be a good idea. With the exception of the numerals 0-9, all the proposals here are just brainstorming for now. In particular, wherever one symbol has multiple cmavo, those are alternatives which are under discussion. Ultimately each symbol must be assigned exactly one cmavo.
sinxa | jbovla (sance) | notci |
! | sai, ba'e, nai | Could be used for emphasis (sai, ba'e) or negation (nai). |
" | la'o | |
# | li | Number sign. Seems appropriate for "li", though "li" is short and not particularly frequent. |
$ | sei | "sei" is relatively low-use, and "$" is an arbitrary symbol for it, so other suggestions will definitely be considered. |
% | ce'i | Percent sign; exact match, but "ce'i" is extremely low-use. |
& | gi'e | And sign. "gi'e" is one of the most frequently used 4-character cmavo, and has a meaning related to "and". |
( | to, vei | |
) | toi, ve'o | |
* | xi, pi'i | Asterisk; multiplication sign. Why "xi"? It's already short, and the meaning doesn't seem to be related to the symbol. |
+ | joi, za'u, ma'u, su'i | |
- | i, me'i, ni'u, vu'i | "i" really doesn't need a symbol. It's already 1 character. |
/ | fi'u, fe'i | |
0 | no | |
1 | pa | |
2 | re | |
3 | ci | |
4 | vo | |
5 | mu | |
6 | xa | |
7 | ze | |
8 | bi | |
9 | so | |
: | zo'u, pi'e | |
; | gi | |
< | fu'e, tu'e, me'i | Brackets might not be the best use for "<" and ">". |
= | goi | |
> | fu'o, tu'u, za'u | Brackets might not be the best use for "<" and ">". |
? | ki'a, pau, xu, ma | |
@ | ko'a | For such a frequently used pronoun, "ko'a" is quite long. |
[ | lu | "lu" is used more often than "ke", and "[" is easier to type than any of the other brackets. |
\ | ||
] | li'u | |
^ | co, te'a, gei | This symbol is sometimes used for "exponent". |
_ | zoi | |
` | Could be used for zoi too. | |
{ | ke | |
| | ||
} | ke'e | |
~ |