History: BPFK Section: Aspect

Preview of version: 13

Proposed Definitions

Perfective aspect. It indicates that a situation is over, no longer taking place.

ze'a lo nanca be li so'i ba'o jamna i ku'i za'o cortu
The war has been over for years, but the pain is still with us.

Progressive aspect. It indicates that a situation is in progress, ongoing.

la mairas ca'o tcidu lo cukta ca lo nu lo fonxa cu janbe
Myra was reading a book when the phone rang.

Initiative aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its outset, just beginning. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the starting point.

ti'u li ji'ipaxa ge co'a manku binxo
gi lo selba'e pe la fred co'a tilju zenba
It was around 4 pm when it started getting dark
and Fred's axe was starting to get heavier.

la mark pu bredi lo nu klama kei co'a lo pamoi djedi
Mark had been ready to go from the first day.

Punctual aspect. It indicates that a situation takes place at one moment in time, without duration.

lo nu ko'a co'i vlipa cu revgau lo gugde be lo elfe bei
bu'u la midju terdi co'u lo nu co'i daspo la turni djine
Their power maintained the realms of the Elves in Middle-earth
until the destruction of the Ruling Ring

Cessative aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its termination, ending. In the case of a process, it may or may not be completed (cf. 'mo'u'). When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the ending point.

lo prali be fi lo cteki pikta ba za lo nanca be li ci cu co'u banro
Interest on the tax certificates stops accruing after three years.

da'i le ninmu cu ponse le pano rijno sicni gi'e cirko pa ri i xu ny na
cikygau lo tergu'i gi'e lumci lo zdani gi'e junri sisku co'u lo nu facki
Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not
light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?

Pausative aspect. It indicates that a situation is interrupted, temporarily suspended. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point of interruption.

ja'e lo xlamau mi ze'a lo masti be li ji'ixa cu
de'a sai lumci lo mi flira fo lo mokau jisygau
To make things worse, I pretty much stopped washing
my face with any kind of cleanser for about six months.

Resumptive aspect. It indicates that a situation is being resumed after a pause. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point of resumption.

ta'e ji'ireroi ritli lo traji smaji pu lo
nu la garofalos di'a tavla lo vitke
There's usually a beat or two of deadly silence
before Garofalo resumes talking to the guest.

Completitive aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its natural ending point, becoming complete. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point of completion.

ro tcidu cu frica fi lo ka mo'u finti le lisri
Each reader completes the novel in a different way.

ko'a pluka citka ro stasu muclai e ro molylai pe le toknu
bo seljukpa je selpilka nanba mo'u lo nu va'ucmo
He savoured every spoonful of his soup and every mouthful
of the roast and crusty bread until he finished it with a sigh.

Prospective aspect. It indicates that a situation is about to take place, not yet realized.

le kulnu be lo pruxa'u natmi cu ze'u pu'o daspo canci
The culture of the indigenous peoples was for a long
time on the verge of being eradicated.

Superfective aspect. It indicates that a situation is beyond its natural ending point, still taking place. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the surpassed natural ending point.

mi'a ponse le kesma'e noi pa'arcau selcfi i ky traji lo ka malkelci
kei la starflit i lo matra za'o po'urbi'o i lo santa za'o fliba
Here we had this hopeless lemon of a starship - the biggest
piece of shit in Starfleet: engines that kept breaking down,
shields that kept failing.

la'e di'u rinka lo nu ko'a cikna za'o lo nu ko'a na'o sipna binxo
This kept her awake beyond the point where she really normally
would have fallen asleep.

la brest co'a se jibri ca lo cedra be lo nu lo clani lenjo cu jai zabna
tcaci i ku'i by ca'o pilno ly za'o lo nu ly co'u jai zantcaci
Brest started his career during an era when long lenses were all
the rage, but he’s kept using them beyond the point where they
ceased to be fashionable.


Some of the names of the aspects are changed with respect to CLL, in an attempt to get closer to a more standard terminology:

  • inchoative -> prospective (As far as I can tell, other than in Lojban "inchoative" seems to describe {co'a} rather than {pu'o}.)
  • continuitive -> progressive ("continuitive" seems to be used for an aspect that emphasizes continuation after a stage of ongoingness, so perhaps closer to {za'o}.)
  • cessitive -> cessative (Typo in CLL?)
  • achievative -> punctual (I don't know where "achievative" comes from.)


Information Version
Wed 03 of Sep, 2014 20:58 GMT Ilmen from Adding "cmavo: " before the cmavo title. 58
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 13:30 GMT Ilmen from Formatting and replacing all those "(approximately)==" with "~=" (looks cleaner this way) 57
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:17 GMT Ilmen from {ba'o} is the retrospective aspect. Added as a keyword. 56
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:15 GMT Ilmen from Adding "inchoative" as a keyword. 55
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:13 GMT Ilmen from "completitive" -> "completive" 54
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:04 GMT Ilmen from Formal defs + word links. 53
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:54 GMT Ilmen from Moving {pu'o} right below {ba'o}. 52
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:52 GMT Ilmen from Template + formal defs 51
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:13 GMT mukti from 50
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 17:25 GMT Ilmen from Adding boxes around the Notes and Issues sections 49
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 17:21 GMT Ilmen from Final step in fixing the formatting of examples. 48
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 16:50 GMT Ilmen from Examples formatting 47
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 16:45 GMT Ilmen from Box formatting added, now fixing the formatting of examples 46
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 16:40 GMT Ilmen from 45
Thu 18 of Oct, 2012 22:05 GMT xorxes from perfective -> perfect 44
Sat 30 of Apr, 2011 16:59 GMT xorxes from 43
Thu 23 of Dec, 2010 07:58 GMT lindarthebard from 42
Tue 16 of Nov, 2010 00:52 GMT lindarthebard from 41
Wed 27 of Oct, 2010 04:20 GMT lindarthebard from 40
Tue 26 of Oct, 2010 09:52 GMT lindarthebard from 39
Tue 25 of May, 2004 02:56 GMT admin from 38
Sun 16 of May, 2004 00:59 GMT xorxes from 37
Fri 14 of May, 2004 22:24 GMT xorxes from 36
Fri 14 of May, 2004 18:18 GMT xorxes from 33
Thu 13 of May, 2004 14:56 GMT xorxes from 28
Thu 06 of May, 2004 03:19 GMT xorxes from 25
Wed 05 of May, 2004 19:53 GMT xorxes from 23
Wed 05 of May, 2004 19:32 GMT xorxes from 22
Sun 02 of May, 2004 00:09 GMT xorxes from 20
Sat 01 of May, 2004 23:36 GMT xorxes from 19
Sat 01 of May, 2004 22:57 GMT xorxes from 18
Sat 01 of May, 2004 01:04 GMT xorxes from 13
Fri 30 of Apr, 2004 23:12 GMT xorxes from 11
Wed 14 of Apr, 2004 22:14 GMT xorxes from 9
Wed 14 of Apr, 2004 19:42 GMT xorxes from 7
Tue 13 of Apr, 2004 23:29 GMT xorxes from 6
Tue 13 of Apr, 2004 15:17 GMT xorxes from 5
Tue 13 of Apr, 2004 00:39 GMT xorxes from 4
Tue 13 of Apr, 2004 00:08 GMT xorxes from 3
Wed 10 of Mar, 2004 16:42 GMT xorxes from 2