Perfect aspect. It indicates that a situation is over, no longer taking place. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event concurrent with the aftermath of the situation. broda ba'o lo nu brode (approximately)== ba'o broda ca lo nu brode
fi'o jai ca se tolcfabalvi be lo manri
Progressive/imperfective aspect. It indicates that a situation is in progress, ongoing. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event encompassed by the ongoing situation. It does not give the duration of the main event (ZEhAs do that), it only indicates that the main event completely overlaps another event. broda ca'o lo nu brode (approximately)== ca'o broda ca lo nu brode
Initiative aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its outset, just beginning. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the starting point. broda co'a lo nu brode (approximately)== co'a broda ca lo nu brode
Punctual (perfective) aspect. It indicates that a situation takes place at one moment in time, without duration. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point in time when the situation occurs. broda co'i lo nu brode (approximately)== co'i broda ca lo nu brode
Cessative aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its termination, ending. In the case of a process, it may or may not be completed (cf. 'mo'u'). When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the ending point. broda co'u lo nu brode (approximately)== co'u broda ca lo nu brode
Pausative aspect. It indicates that a situation is interrupted, temporarily suspended. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the period of interruption. broda de'a lo nu brode (approximately)== de'a broda ca lo nu brode
Resumptive aspect. It indicates that a situation is being resumed after a pause. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point of resumption. broda di'a lo nu brode (approximately)== di'a broda ca lo nu brode
Completitive aspect. It indicates that a situation is at its natural ending point, becoming complete. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the point of completion. broda mo'u lo nu brode (approximately)== mo'u broda ca lo nu brode
Prospective aspect. It indicates that a situation is about to take place, not yet realized. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event occurring while the situation is not yet realized. broda pu'o lo nu brode (approximately)== pu'o broda ca lo nu brode
fi'o jai ca se cfapru be lo manri
Superfective aspect. It indicates that a situation is beyond its natural ending point, still taking place. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates the surpassed natural ending point. broda za'o lo nu brode (approximately)== za'o broda ca lo nu brode
Experimental ZAhO are not included in this page. See xa'o.
Past contention. Debate as to the interpretation under strange circumstance.
This and this. Debates on "the opposite of za'o".
More on xa'o.
Some of the names of the aspects are changed with respect to CLL, in an attempt to get closer to a more standard terminology:
The proposed use of ZAhO's as sumti tcita differs from the one given in CLL:
Likewise, we might say:
12.8) mi klama le zarci pu'o le nu mi citka
I go-to the store inchoative the event-of I eat
which indicates that before my eating begins, I go to the store, whereas
12.9) mi klama le zarci ba'o le nu mi citka
I go-to the store perfective the event-of I eat
would indicate that I go to the store after I am finished eating.
CLL also says: The interpretation of ZAhO tcita differs from that of FAhA, VA, PU, and ZI tcita, however. The event described in the sumti is viewed as a process, and the action of the main bridi occurs at the phase of the process which the ZAhO specifies, or at least some part of that phase. The action of the main bridi itself is seen as a point event, so that there is no issue about which phase of the main bridi is intended. That, however, is at odds with the usage found for co'a and co'u, which follows the usual pattern of all other tags and apply to the main selbri.
co'a lenu le cukta cu pagre cliva le viska mumkubli kei
da poi zvati lo darno kojna be le kumfa cu jai rink lenu
za'ure'u sanji le vanbi
As soon as the volume had gone below the line of sight,
something in an obscure corner of the room recalled
his attention to his surroundings.
From le nanmu kujo'u le since
mi xusra ledu'u ledi'e jetnu si'unai se jimpe .itu'e
ro remna cu jikydunli co'a lenu ri se zbasu
We hold these truths to be self-evident; that
all men are created equal.
.i le cribe noi nelci le pojma'a cu dukse leka tilju kei tu'a
le cripu .ije do ka'e xruti klama le zvati ba'o lenu mivgau
The bear (who likes the volcano) is too heavy for the bridge...
and you can go back to the scene after being resurrected.
le javni cu binxo lo ralju javni ba'o le nu so'e kelci cu te javni
fi le javni ca'o su'orevo cacra
From lo javni be fi la camgusmis
With the proposed sumti tcita usage those would have to be:
.i le cribe noi nelci le pojma'a cu dukse leka tilju kei tu'a
le cripu .ije do ka'e xruti klama le zvati ca lenu ba'o mivgau
le javni cu binxo lo ralju javni ca le nu so'e kelci ba'o te javni
fi le javni ca'o su'orevo cacra
See for some more data and discussion.