History: BPFK Section: Compass Spatial

Preview of version: 3

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of be'a

be'a (FAhA1)
North. Indicates that something is to the north. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates something which it is north of.
    • Keywords: north.

Examples of be'a Usage

None found. Constructed examples follow:

be'a la .island. mi falnu klama

I sail north of Iceland.

Proposed Definition of du'a

du'a (FAhA1)
East. Indicates that something is to the east. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates something which it is east of.
    • Keywords: east.

Examples of du'a Usage

None found. Constructed examples follow:

mi cpare lo tricu du'a le cmana

East of the mountain, I am climbing a tree.

Proposed Definition of ne'u

ne'u (FAhA1)
South. Indicates that something is to the south. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates something which it is south of.
    • Keywords: south.

Examples of ne'u Usage

Proposed Definition of vu'a

None found. Constructed examples follow:

le manti cu se zdani le manti derxu pe ne'u le tricu

The ant lives in the anthill south of the tree.

vu'a (FAhA1)
West. Indicates that something is to the west. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates something which it is west of.
    • Keywords: west.

Examples of vu'a Usage

None found. Constructed examples follow:

vu'a so'i lo prenu cu limna le rirxe

To the west, many people are swimming in the river.


By intention, no mention of the imaginary journey model is mentioned in the definitions. The behaviour when combining multiple spatial tenses is assumed to be self-evident.


None intended.


Information Version
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:24 GMT mukti from 18
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:09 GMT selpa'i from 17
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:06 GMT selpa'i from Box Plugin modified by editor. 16
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:24 GMT selpa'i from 15
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:12 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 14
Tue 27 of May, 2014 11:57 GMT selpa'i from 13
Tue 27 of May, 2014 11:52 GMT selpa'i from 12
Tue 27 of May, 2014 11:51 GMT selpa'i from 11
Tue 19 of Oct, 2010 01:21 GMT lindarthebard from 10
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:05 GMT eyeonus from 9
Wed 30 of Jun, 2010 09:04 GMT eyeonus from Reformatted the page to meet BCWS 8
Wed 30 of Jun, 2010 08:53 GMT eyeonus from 7
Fri 25 of Jun, 2010 09:05 GMT purpleposeidon from 6
Fri 25 of Jun, 2010 09:03 GMT purpleposeidon from added tag 5
Thu 25 of Oct, 2007 08:14 GMT arj from 4
Mon 26 of Mar, 2007 18:42 GMT arj from 3
Fri 20 of Jan, 2006 22:14 GMT arj from first stab 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:33 GMT rlpowell from 1