Proposed Definitions And Examples
- fa'a (FAhA4)
- Orientation. It indicates that the event is oriented in a certain direction. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the direction.
- Keywords: toward, towards, facing, in the direction of, pointing to
lo nixli cu cisma fa'a lo ri pendo
The girl smiled towards her friend.
- to'o (FAhA4)
- Orientation. It indicates that the event is oriented away from a certain direction. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the direction the event faces away from.
- Keywords: away from, in the opposite direction of
ki'u ma lo do gerku cu bajra to'o do
Why does your dog run away from you?
- ze'o (FAhA4)
- Location. It indicates that the event is located beyond a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is on the other side of.
- Keywords: beyond, further than, on the other side of, across
lo srasu pe ze'o lo bitmu cu ro roi ri'ozma
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
- zo'a (FAhA4)
- Location. It indicates that the event is located by a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is alongside of.
mi pu cliva lo karce zo'a lo malsi
I left the car by the side of the temple.
- zo'i (FAhA4)
- Location. It indicates that the event is located on this side of a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is on this side of.
- Keywords: on this side of, nearer than
.e'o ko denpa zo'i lo klaji
Please wait on this side of the street.
Proposed Definition of fe'e
- fe'e (FEhE)
- space aspects — mark space interval distributive aspects; labels interval tense modifiers as location-oriented --
Examples of fe'e Usage
Proposed Definition of mo'i
- mo'i (MOhI)
- space motion — mark motions in space-time --
Examples of mo'i Usage