History: BPFK Section: Directional Spatial

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Proposed Definitions And Examples

fa'a (FAhA4)
Orientation. It indicates that the event is oriented in a certain direction. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the direction.

    • Keywords: toward, towards, facing, in the direction of, pointing to

lo nixli cu cisma fa'a lo ri pendo
The girl smiled towards her friend.

to'o (FAhA4)
Orientation. It indicates that the event is oriented away from a certain direction. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the direction the event faces away from.
    • Keywords: away from, in the opposite direction of

ki'u ma lo do gerku cu bajra to'o do
Why does your dog run away from you?

ze'o (FAhA4)
Location. It indicates that the event is located beyond a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is on the other side of.
    • Keywords: beyond, further than, on the other side of, across

lo srasu pe ze'o lo bitmu cu ro roi ri'ozma
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

zo'a (FAhA4)
Location. It indicates that the event is located by a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is alongside of.
    • Keywords: by, alongside

mi pu cliva lo karce zo'a lo malsi
I left the car by the side of the temple.

zo'i (FAhA4)
Location. It indicates that the event is located on this side of a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is on this side of.
    • Keywords: on this side of, nearer than

.e'o ko denpa zo'i lo klaji
Please wait on this side of the street.

Proposed Definition of fe'e

fe'e (FEhE)
space aspects — mark space interval distributive aspects; labels interval tense modifiers as location-oriented --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fe'e Usage

Proposed Definition of mo'i

mo'i (MOhI)
space motion — mark motions in space-time --
    • Keywords:

Examples of mo'i Usage




Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 09:45 GMT Ilmen from Removing unnecessary parenthesis 25
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 09:45 GMT Ilmen from 24
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:14 GMT mukti from 23
Fri 06 of Jun, 2014 16:43 GMT Ilmen from Minor fix 22
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:49 GMT selpa'i from 21
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:48 GMT selpa'i from 20
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:47 GMT selpa'i from 19
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:22 GMT selpa'i from 18
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:18 GMT selpa'i from 17
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:16 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 16
Tue 27 of May, 2014 09:37 GMT selpa'i from 15
Tue 27 of May, 2014 09:21 GMT selpa'i from yes, fi'o farna is correct. 14
Mon 25 of Jun, 2012 07:13 GMT gleki from 13
Mon 25 of Jun, 2012 07:11 GMT gleki from 12
Sun 24 of Jun, 2012 18:57 GMT admin from 11
Sun 24 of Jun, 2012 18:54 GMT admin from 10
Sat 16 of Oct, 2010 20:29 GMT lindarthebard from 9
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:07 GMT eyeonus from 8
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 04:42 GMT eyeonus from 7
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 04:40 GMT eyeonus from 6
Fri 16 of Apr, 2010 00:26 GMT xorxes from 5
Wed 14 of Apr, 2010 00:08 GMT xorxes from 4
Tue 13 of Apr, 2010 23:11 GMT xorxes from 3
Tue 13 of Apr, 2010 00:59 GMT xorxes from 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:35 GMT rlpowell from 1