be (BE):
Part of the Linkarg construction { BE term (BEI term) (BEI term) ... BEhO }, which is attached immediately after a selbri or a tanru-unit, and is part thereof. {be} introduces the first term (= sumti or tag-term or NAKU) to be attached to the preceding selbri or tanru-unit. If more terms are to be linked to the same selbri target, {bei} must be used instead of {be}. The whole Linkarg construction can be explicitely ended with {be'o}.
If no FA or other tag precedes the first linked sumti of the Linkarg construction, this first sumti occupies by default the x2 of the target selbri. Similarly to the convention for the main bridi, any linked sumti not tagged with a FA tag will fill the next available argument slot.
The Linkarg construction is primarily used to link sumti into parts of tanru, or to link sumti into a selbri which is part of a description sumti.
le menli be do cu pagbu do gi'e nai se vasru do
Your mind is a part of you and not inside you.
cafne fa lenu mi pilno le liste be le valsi
I often use the word list.
mi na viska lo se cusku be la norsmu be'o poi dukse clani
I don't see any expressions by Almost-Meaningful that are too long.
velcli befi la lojban. bei loi co'a cilre
Introduction to Lojban for beginners
le plini be le solri ku bei le ka crino
The planet circling the sun whose characteristic is being green.
pensi le terfrica be le si'o nalgleki bei le si'o badri
Considering the difference between non-happiness and sadness.
None intended.
The resulting place structure of a selbri of which several argument slots have been filled by the means of a Linkarg hasn't been oficially defined, as far as I know.
The current usage consensus is that those filled argument places are removed from the selbri created by the selbri-linkarg construction. Correct me if I'm wrong.