History: BPFK Section: Linkargs

Preview of version: 5

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of be

be (BE)
Introduces a sumti to be attached to only the previous brivla, or other words capable of acting as a selbri. This is primarily used to link sumti into parts of tanru, or to link sumti into a selbri which is part of a description sumti. By default, it occupies the x2 place of the selbri, but this may be overridden by tags by the same conventions as that of the main bridi.
    • Keywords: of. to.

Examples of be Usage

le menli be do cu pagbu do gi'e nai se vasru do

Your mind is a part of you and not inside you.

cafne fa lenu mi pilno le liste be le valsi

I often use the word list.

Proposed Definition of be'o

be'o (BEhO)
marks the end of a chain of linked sumti.
    • Keywords: end linked sumti.

Examples of be'o Usage

.i zo damba to sa'e lo sumti be fi li ci be'o po zo damba toi cu zmadu lo ka selplika'e

"damba" (to be precise, its third argument) is more useful.

Proposed Definition of bei

bei (BEI)
Introduces an additional sumti to be attached to only the previous brivla, or other words capable of acting as a selbri. This is primarily used to link sumti into parts of tanru, or to link sumti into a selbri which is part of a description sumti. By default, each additional linked sumti in succession occupies the next place in the place structure of the selbri. This may be overridden by tags, by the same conventions as that of the main bridi.
    • Keywords: and of. and to.

Examples of bei Usage

velcli befi la lojban. bei loi co'a cilre

Introduction to Lojban for beginners

le plini be le solri ku bei le ka crino

The planet circling the sun whose characteristic is being green.

pensi le terfrica be le si'o nalgleki bei le si'o badri

Considering the difference between non-happiness and sadness.



None intended.


Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 21:58 GMT Ilmen from 31
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 21:56 GMT Ilmen from Adding word links. 30
Tue 10 of Jun, 2014 05:10 GMT danr from encouragement to define it!! 29
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:13 GMT mukti from 28
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 16:21 GMT Ilmen from Reforging the presentation 27
Sat 24 of May, 2014 21:39 GMT Ilmen from Vertical spacing 26
Sat 24 of May, 2014 21:37 GMT Ilmen from Formatting 25
Sat 24 of May, 2014 21:34 GMT Ilmen from Change in presentation 24
Fri 23 of May, 2014 12:53 GMT Ilmen from Minor edit 23
Fri 23 of May, 2014 12:52 GMT Ilmen from 22
Fri 23 of May, 2014 12:38 GMT Ilmen from Minor formatting. 21
Fri 23 of May, 2014 12:37 GMT Ilmen from Minor formatting. 20
Fri 23 of May, 2014 12:36 GMT Ilmen from Rewording {be'o}'s definition. 19
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:25 GMT Ilmen from Remove a vertical space 18
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:23 GMT Ilmen from Addition of an issue section 17
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:12 GMT Ilmen from 16
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:09 GMT Ilmen from 15
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:08 GMT Ilmen from Formatting 14
Thu 22 of May, 2014 21:07 GMT Ilmen from Here is a better definition, at least I hope so :) 13
Thu 22 of May, 2014 18:32 GMT durka42 from 12
Thu 22 of May, 2014 18:17 GMT Ilmen from 11
Thu 22 of May, 2014 18:16 GMT Ilmen from 10
Thu 22 of May, 2014 18:10 GMT Ilmen from Adding a poll 9
Thu 22 of May, 2014 17:26 GMT Ilmen from Minor formatting. 8
Thu 22 of May, 2014 17:25 GMT Ilmen from Linkargs are not only able to link sumti, but also other kinds of terms. 7
Tue 05 of Jun, 2007 21:09 GMT arj from Replaced example 6
Mon 04 of Jun, 2007 19:55 GMT arj from 5
Sun 22 of Jan, 2006 19:16 GMT arj from Changed wording to reflect other uses, per comment 4
Fri 20 of Jan, 2006 22:47 GMT arj from fmt 3
Thu 10 of Feb, 2005 21:23 GMT arj from Oops. Swapped keywords. 2
Thu 10 of Feb, 2005 20:56 GMT arj from Added examples 1