History: BPFK Section: Non-Contact Spatial

Preview of version: 36 (current)

cmavo: ca'u (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located in front of a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is in front of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se crane

See Also

  • {crane}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • front
  • in front of
  • forwards
  • to the front of

Usage Examples

ko krorinsa ca'u mi
Curtsey in front of me.
.ua lo snime cu centre li re mu ca'u lo do vorme
[Discovery] The snow is 25 centimeters thick in front of your door.
dy co'a klama gi'e gunta le ca'u pa moi be la molki
D started going and attacked the front-most mill.


cmavo: ga'u (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located above a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is above of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se gapru

See Also

  • {gapru}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • above
  • upwards
  • up from

Usage Examples

xu do terdu'a le dakfu le tolci'o nanmu ga'u le jacfa'u
Have you gotten the sword from the old man above the waterfall?
lo cipni ga'u lo bloti cu vofli
Birds are flying above the boat.
ma pu ga'u muvdu
What moved above?

cmavo: ni'a (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located below a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is below.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se cnita

See Also

  • {cnita}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • below
  • downwards
  • down from

Usage Examples

mi kakne lo nu reskla ni'a le vrogai
I can creep under the door.
ko mo'i ni'a klama fo le serti
Go down the stairs.

cmavo: ri'u (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located to the right of a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event to the right of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se pritu

See Also

  • {pritu}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • on the right of
  • rightwards
  • to the right of

Usage Examples

le zu'a nanmu mo'i ri'u klama
The man to my left goes to my rightwards.
lo skami be ri'u mi cu co'u cladu
The computer to my right stopped being loud.
la .bil. sanli ri'u vi ku
Bill stands nearby to my right.
lo tadni cu zu'a nanmu gi'e ri'u ninmu
The students are women on my left and men on my right.

cmavo: ru'u (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located around or surrounding a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is located around of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se sruri

See Also

  • {sruri}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • surrounding
  • annular
  • around

Usage Examples

mi mutce le ka tatpi le nu ru'u limna
I am very tired of swimming about here.
.a bu tengau le birka ru'u le gumri
Alice stretched her arms around the mushroom.


Does this work like sruri, which has "near total containment in some dimension(s)" in the notes?

The ru'u limna example seems like it doesn't work, because Alice herself is not wrapped around anything.

Is this word actually useful for much of anything.

  • For usages like ru'u limna to be retained, ru'u should mean something like "spanning around a point". The event of Alice swimming occupies an area around a certain point and the event stays within the boundaries of this area. (This would make it somewhat similar to vi'u). Another option would be to say that {ru'u} doesn't describe a full circle, but rather an arch of any length which is defined by the directional vector of the selbri. --selpa'i

cmavo: ti'a (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located behind a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event is behind of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se trixe

See Also

  • {trixe}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • behind
  • rearwards
  • to the rear of

Usage Examples

lo zgike sance cu klama fi lo rictu'a be ti'a le mi zdani
The musical sounds came from the forest behind my house.
lo gunma be lo crino slanydi'u cu sanli ti'a lo crino bitmu
A mass of green towers stood behind a green wall.

cmavo: zu'a (FAhA2)

Proposed Definition

Spatial tense. It indicates that the event is located to the left of a certain point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the point the event to the left of.

Proposed Tag

fi'o se zunle

See Also

  • {zunle}
  • {farna}

Proposed Keywords

  • on the left of
  • leftwards
  • to the left of

Usage Examples

lo tadni cu zu'a nanmu gi'e ri'u ninmu
The students are women on my left and men on my right.
le zu'a nanmu fa'a ri'u klama
The man to my left goes towards my right.

General Section Issues

Most of these make no sense in front of a selbri with "mi" in the
bridi, because you can't be (for example) above yourself, so "mi
ga'u zutse" doesn't seem possible.

  • They make perfect sense. The implicitly tagged sumti is understood from context. "mi ga'u zutse" expands to "lo nu mi zutse cu gapru (zo'e)". This zo'e is usually understood to be the position of the speaker, just like the default for "pu" is the time of the speaker. However, here it very clearly means "I sit above (something)." --selpa'i

Does "ri'u do" mean "on your right", or "rightwards of you relative to the speaker"? Whichever it means, we need a way to say the other without leaving tenses.

  • I would think {ri'u do} would be the latter, while {do ri'u} is the former. - .aionys.


BPFK poll: Non-Contact Spatial FAhA2
  • I agree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
  • I disagree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
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(Votes: 5)


Information Version
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:14 GMT mukti from 36
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 13:46 GMT Ilmen from "the the" --> "the" 35
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 13:44 GMT Ilmen from Changing an example to better ones 34
Thu 29 of May, 2014 09:39 GMT Ilmen from FAHA2 --> FAhA2 33
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:12 GMT selpa'i from 32
Wed 28 of May, 2014 22:10 GMT selpa'i from 31
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:23 GMT selpa'i from 30
Wed 28 of May, 2014 09:14 GMT selpa'i from 29
Tue 27 of May, 2014 09:32 GMT selpa'i from 28
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:35 GMT selpa'i from 27
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:35 GMT selpa'i from 26
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:33 GMT selpa'i from the example "ko viska ti'a do" made no sense 25
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:28 GMT selpa'i from 24
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:26 GMT selpa'i from simplified definitions. 23
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:09 GMT selpa'i from typo 22
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:08 GMT selpa'i from 21
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:07 GMT selpa'i from fixed typo 20
Mon 26 of May, 2014 19:05 GMT selpa'i from improved ca'u definition 19
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:58 GMT selpa'i from wrong example 18
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:55 GMT selpa'i from 17
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:55 GMT selpa'i from 16
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:54 GMT selpa'i from 15
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:52 GMT selpa'i from 14
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:51 GMT selpa'i from 13
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:48 GMT selpa'i from 12
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:46 GMT selpa'i from 11
Sat 09 of Oct, 2010 01:58 GMT eyeonus from 10
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:06 GMT eyeonus from 9
Mon 03 of May, 2010 19:36 GMT PierreAbbat from more typos 8
Mon 03 of May, 2010 19:32 GMT PierreAbbat from fix typo 7
Sat 01 of May, 2010 22:28 GMT rlpowell from 6
Sat 01 of May, 2010 22:25 GMT rlpowell from 5
Sat 01 of May, 2010 21:29 GMT rlpowell from 4
Sat 01 of May, 2010 21:09 GMT rlpowell from 3
Sat 01 of May, 2010 21:00 GMT rlpowell from 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:34 GMT rlpowell from 1