History: BPFK Section: Numeric selbri

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Proposed definitions

me (ME)
Converts a sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 is/are among the referents of the sumti".
me'u (MEhU)
Terminator for ME.
moi (MOI)
Converts a number, lerfu-string or ME-converted sumti into a tanru-unit. The place structure in the case of a number is "x1 is/are the numberth among x2 by rule x3". More generally, for any sumti the place structure is "x1 is/are the one(s) among x2 that correspond(s) to number/lerfu/sumti by rule x3".

ma xamoi le te minde i xamoi le te minde fa lo nu na catra

Which is the sixth commandment? The sixth commandment is, Thou shalt not kill.

ju'i do'u do tolcliva le ba'e romoi be le papri be la internet i a'o do pu zanfri lo nu catlu i caku ko tolcikygau le do skami gi'e barkla gi'e kelci

Attention: You have reached the very last page of the Internet. We hope you have enjoyed your browsing. Now turn off your computer and go outside and play.

la cerni tarci cu romoi lo tarci poi ka'e se viska pu lo nu co'a donri

The morning star is the last star that's visible before the dawning of the day.

le mi dinju cu da'apamoi le zunle

My building is the one before last on the left hand side.

le ro relselxi'u cu mitsi'umlu i ta'i ma da djuno lo du'u makau me da moi

All the bicycles looked alike. How could you tell which one was yours!

ta me mi moi

That's mine.

mei (MOI)
Converts a number, lerfu-string or ME-converted sumti into a tanru-unit. The place structure in the case of a number is "x1 are number in number among x2". In general for any sumti the place structure is "x1 is/are among x2, quantified by number/lerfu/sumti".
si'e (MOI)
Converts a number, lerfu-string or ME-converted sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 is a part/fraction of x2, quantified by number/lerfu/sumti".
cu'o (MOI)
Converts a number, lerfu-string or ME-converted sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 has an expectation/probability number/lerfu/sumti under conditions x2".
va'e (MOI)
Converts a number, lerfu-string or ME-converted sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 has value number/lerfu/sumti on scale x2".

Formal definitions

x1 number moi x2 x3 x1 me x2 gi'e lidne da'a number me x2 x3
x1 number mei x2 x1 me x2 gi'e klani li number lo se gradu be x2
x1 number si'e x2 x1 pagbu x2 gi'e klani li number lo se gradu be x2
x1 number cu'o x2 x1 se pacna zi'o li number va'o x2
x1 number va'e x2 x1 se merli zi'o li number x2


  1. The definition of me corresponds to the basic relation Among as formalized in http://philosophy.syr.edu/mckay.html, which also agrees with the definition as given in CLL.
  2. The interpretation proposed for a ME-converted sumti with moi is an extension of the definition for n-moi as n-th.
  3. The second argument of mei is changed with respect to CLL, to make it more useful and more in line with the rest of the system.


Information Version
Tue 09 of Sep, 2014 12:12 GMT Ilmen from Adding colons after "cmavo" in the box titles. 22
Tue 26 of Aug, 2014 00:17 GMT guskant from 21
Mon 25 of Aug, 2014 12:40 GMT Ilmen from Adding a word link. 20
Mon 25 of Aug, 2014 12:39 GMT Ilmen from Adding word links. 19
Mon 25 of Aug, 2014 09:45 GMT selpa'i from Adding poll 18
Tue 19 of Aug, 2014 22:49 GMT Ilmen from Adding "and are" in the part "x1 are [number] in number _ among x2". This way things are clearer. 17
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:30 GMT mukti from 16
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:53 GMT Ilmen from Example added 15
Fri 23 of May, 2014 13:07 GMT Ilmen from Box formatting 14
Mon 23 of Sep, 2013 13:01 GMT guskant from fix a dead link 13
Sun 28 of Aug, 2011 19:16 GMT klaki from 12
Tue 23 of Aug, 2011 18:20 GMT klaki from Moi (issues): Suggested moi3 to be a {ka} 11
Sat 11 of Jun, 2011 04:13 GMT rlpowell from 10
Wed 29 of Dec, 2010 07:46 GMT lindarthebard from 9
Wed 08 of Sep, 2010 08:06 GMT eyeonus from 8
Sat 17 of Apr, 2010 23:13 GMT xorxes from 7
Fri 16 of Apr, 2010 00:42 GMT xorxes from 6
Tue 10 of Aug, 2004 23:44 GMT xorxes from 5
Fri 06 of Aug, 2004 22:46 GMT xorxes from 3
Fri 30 of Jul, 2004 22:52 GMT xorxes from 2
Fri 30 of Jul, 2004 20:46 GMT xorxes from 1