lu LU quote
start grammatical quotation; quoted text should be
grammatical on its own
lo'u LOhU error quote
start questionable/out-of-context quote; text should
be Lojban words, but needn't be grammatical
le'u LEhU end error quote
end quote of questionable or out-of-context text;
not elidable
li'u LIhU end quote
elidable terminator: end grammatical quotation;
seldom elidable except at end of text
zo ZO 1-word quote
quote next word only; quotes a single Lojban word
(not a cmavo compound or tanru)
la'o ZOI the non-Lojban named
delimited non-Lojban name; the resulting quote sumti
is treated as a name
zoi ZOI non-Lojban quote
delimited non-Lojban quotation; the result treated
as a block of text