To be merged with the summary below.
i le te cuxna cu se cmima ro le jivna e pa xanri jivna no'u la nonjinga zi'e poi sinxa lesi'o cuxna node i da'o curmi lenu da e de dunli xymoi lo porsi kei poi skicu ledu'u dunynei da de itu'e da'o go da poi cuxna cu djica lenu de poi jivna na jinga gi ei le cuxste po da skicu ledu'u da zmanei la nonjinga de
The ballot contains all the candidates, plus a hypothetical candidate "Nobody". Voters are allowed to give equal ranks to candidates if they have no preference between them.
(Multiple-winner Condorcet)
A: mi xagji lo rectu gi'e taske lo ckafi
B: .i .ie go'i ra'o je'u
A: - I am hungry for meat and thirsty for coffee.
B: - Yes, so am I, indeed.
A: .i mi na birti lo su'u mi kakne lo nu mi xamgu ke fonxa cusku bau la lojban
B: mi go'i
B: ra'o
A: I am not sure I am able to speak Lojban well on the phone.
B: I am not sure either.
B: ... that I will be able to speak Lojban well on the phone.
.i mi tavla do soi vo'a
I talk to you, and vice versa.
We talk to each other.
za'a do tavla do soi do
mi soi lo mamta be ko cu co'e ra'o
There has been some discussion on how long da-series cmavo stay bound, ie. whether or not they are always canceled by sentence boundaries not joined by connectives. This, however, has no bearing on da'o, which cancels unconditionally.
This section contradicts the current contents of BPFK Section: Subordinators, and should not be approved before the discrepancy is addressed.