History: BPFK Section: Scope cmavo

Preview of version: 2

Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: bo (BO)

Proposed definition

Short scope link. Used in various grammatical constructions, having the effect
of joining a pair with highest precedence, overriding usual left-grouping
rules. Chains linked with {bo} are grouped to the right.

See also

  • {ke}
  • {ke'e}

Proposed keywords

  • hyphen

Usage examples

melbi cmalu bo nixli bo ckule
"Small school for girls which is beautiful"
.abu je by jabo cy
"A and (B or C)"
i za'a na cumki fa le nu abuboi za'ure'u bartu le kumfa iseki'ubo abu tolgei uenai
"It was not possible for A. to be outside the room again; therefore A. was sad"
i lo sezyjgidu'e noroi tirna na'ebo lo si'avla
"The arrogant never hear anything but praise"

cmavo: co (CO)

Proposed definition

tanru inversion operator. Reverses the order of the seltau and the tertau in a
tanru. Any trailing sumti apply to the seltau.

Proposed keywords

  • of type

Usage examples

le romei cazi zutse gi'e barda djine co se midju la smacu
"They all sat and formed a big ring around the Mouse"

cmavo: cu (CU)

Proposed definition

selbri separator — elidable marker: separates selbri from preceding sumti, allows preceding terminator elision --

Proposed keywords

  • selbri separator

Usage examples

cmavo: ke (KE)

Proposed definition

start grouping — start grouping of tanru, etc; ... type of ... ; overrides normal tanru left grouping --

Proposed keywords

  • start grouping

Usage examples

cmavo ke'e (KEHE)

Proposed definition

end grouping — elidable terminator: end of tanru left grouping override (usually elidable) --

Proposed keywords

  • end grouping

Usage examples

cmavo ku (KU)

Proposed definition

end sumti — elidable terminator: end description, modal, or negator sumti; often elidable --

Proposed keywords

  • end sumti

Usage examples

cmavo vau (VAU)

Proposed definition

end simple bridi — elidable: end of sumti in simple bridi; in compound bridi, separates common trailing sumti --

Proposed keywords

  • end simple bridi

Usage examples




Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 20:41 GMT Ilmen from Minor fix. 9
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 20:38 GMT Ilmen from Minor fix. 8
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 20:36 GMT Ilmen from Adding word links, mostly. 7
Tue 10 of Jun, 2014 03:28 GMT mukti from 6
Mon 26 of May, 2014 18:40 GMT selpa'i from Added box tags 5
Sun 09 of May, 2010 15:28 GMT mbays from "see also" for {ke} 4
Sun 09 of May, 2010 15:27 GMT mbays from Definitions and examples for CU, KE, KEhE, KU, VAU 3
Sun 02 of May, 2010 12:07 GMT mbays from Remove misplaced cmavo; update formatting; definitions and examples for {bo} and {co} 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:58 GMT rlpowell from 1