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History: BPFK Section: Scope cmavo
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Source of version: 9
! Proposed Definitions And Examples {BOX()} !! cmavo: bo (BO) !!! Proposed definition Short scope link. Used in various grammatical constructions and acts as a high precedence link, overriding usual left-grouping rules. Chains linked with {bo} are grouped to the right. !!! See also * {ke} * {tu'e} !!! Proposed keywords * short scope link * hyphen !!! Usage examples ;melbi cmalu bo nixli bo ckule: "Small school for girls which is beautiful" ;.abu je by jabo cy: "A and (B or C)" ;za'a na cumki fa le nu abuboi za'ure'u bartu le kumfa iseki'ubo abu tolgei uenai: "It was not possible for A. to be outside the room again; therefore A. was sad" ;lo sezyjgidu'e noroi tirna na'ebo lo si'avla: "The arrogant never hear anything but praise" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: co (CO) !!! Proposed definition tanru inversion operator. Reverses the order of the seltau and the tertau in a tanru. Any trailing sumti apply to the seltau. !!! See Also !!! Proposed keywords * tanru inversion * of type !!! Usage examples ;le romei cazi zutse gi'e barda djine co se midju la smacu: "They all sat and formed a big ring around the Mouse" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: cu (CU) !!! Proposed definition selbri separator. Separates the selbri of a bridi from any preceding sumti, allowing terminators for preceding constructs to be elided. !!! See Also * {vau} * {ku} !!! Proposed keywords * selbri separator !!! Usage examples ;le nu kelci cu cfari: "The game begins" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: ke (KE) !!! Proposed definition Start grouping. Used in various grammatical constructions to indicate grouping. Elements enclosed by {ke} and the elidable terminator {ke'e} are grouped together. !!! See also * {ke'e} * {bo} * {tu'e} !!! Proposed keywords * start grouping !!! Usage examples ;melbi cmalu ke nixli ckule: "Beautifully small school for girls" ;.abu je ke by ja cy: "A and (B or C)" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: ke'e (KEhE) !!! Proposed definition Elidable terminator for KE. !!! See Also * {ke} !!! Proposed keywords * end grouping * terminator !!! Usage examples ;ke melbi cmalu nixli ke'e je ckule: "Thing which is a school and a beautifully small girl" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: ku (KU) !!! Proposed definition End sumti. Elidable terminator for description, modal, or negator sumti. Often elidable. !!! See Also * {cu} !!! Proposed keywords * end sumti * terminator !!! Usage examples ;le lalxu ca'o tisna loi cipni ku joi loi danlu: "The lake continued to fill up with birds and animals." ;caku mo: "Now what?" ;roda naku su'ode rodi zo'u da de simsa di .ije da na'e du de: "For every thing, there is no other thing which is similar to the first in all ways" {BOX} {BOX()} !! cmavo: vau (VAU) !!! Proposed definition End simple bridi. Elidable terminator for a simple bridi; in compound bridi (GA/GIhA bridi logical connections), sumti appearing after {vau} are common to all the component bridi. !!! See Also * {cu} !!! Proposed keywords * end simple bridi * terminator !!! Usage examples ;lo patfu ca lo ca tcika cu ta'e voksa tcidu se va'u lo mamta gi'e su'o roi go'i se va'u lo ji'a mensi vau lo vanci karni: "The father at this time habitually reads aloud, for the benefit of the mother and sometimes also the sister, the evening paper". ;ko sanga lu cakyrespa stasu li'u ta vau aipei doi slabu: "Sing her 'Turtle Soup', will you, old fellow?" {BOX} ! Notes ! Impact
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