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History: Level 0 Booklet Errata Introduction
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!Intro Errata !!!Completed * There should be a dot in the title after ''lojban'' -- And *''It may be used in conjunction with, or instead of, the introductory lessons available separately. ''. I don't know about that 'instead of' part. -- Robin **Annulled *''le cmacku cu se pagbu lo cimei'' It should be: ''le cmacku cu se pagbu cida''. Unless you mean that a threesome is part of the booklet, but that's not what the English says. (Also, I would prefer ''ckucma'' for booklet.) --xorxes **I wouldn't. But correct on cimei. *''lo prosa poi casnu le bauske cuntu'' Perhaps just ''lo prosa be le bauske cuntu''. --xorxes *''le 3 mu'anai moi pagbu'' Is that really how ''mu'anai'' works? I would say ''le 3 ro moi pagbu'' or ''le ro 3 moi pagbu'' for the third and last. I don't think this is a final example (which is an odd meaning for ''mu'anai'' too). --xorxes **Actually, I don't think either of those work, although I agree with the general problem. mu'anai *is* the end of a set of examples, but I don't know what examples we're ending! I think "le cimoi je romoi pagbu" works best. As a stylistic issue, I like writing out lojban namcu valsi, but then I *like* the regular look of all-lowercase lojban, which most other people seem to find tedious. -- Robin ***''roci'' for "all three" (and therefore ''rocimoi'' for "third and last") is by the Book (see pg 442, exx 8.18, 8.19) --xorxes *** At first, I recoiled from rocimoi, but I think it makes sense now. The numbers are I think a legitimate unofficialness; I already had to eliminate optional punctuation from here. *''le jubme gerna'' -- According to the English translation, this is ''grammar basics'', but I'm not sure how you get that from ''table grammar''. Maybe something like ''gerna sapcmu''. --((Adam)) ** Got confused; should be ''jicmu gerna'' *"le lidne pagbu po'u" Umm, that refers to just what was said, when it means to be referring to the section *named* "lidne pagbu". Which, btw, seems like an odd translation for "Introduction". I suggest "la cfari pagbu", or at least "la lidne pagbu" if you insist on that tanru. -- Robin **''la'' is consistent with the other mentions here. I realise I've been askew in my usage of ''lidne'' (classic keyword misconstrual), but I think you're being overly literal too. It stays ''la lidne pagbu'' (which it is --- it's just not ''lidne''-ing the current writing), and the ''po'u'' is there to make things clear. *"le lu la lojban. mo li'u" needs a la'e somewhere, IMO. Between the le and lu seems to work. -Robin **le lu la lojban mo li'u seltcidu = The document associated with the quotation "What is Lojban?" The association is deliberately vague, so I don't believe the ''la'e'' is necessary. *".i ji'a co'a vasru loi seltcidu pefi'e la robin.terner." -- This sounds to me like it doesn't *yet* contain it, it's just *starting* to. How about dropping the .i and doing ".e la 2001nan. poi se cabna le nu ji'a vasru ..." -- Robin **Nah, just ''.i ji'a ca la 2001nan. co'a vasru...'' *"vecu'u le 444moi bi'o 457moi papri be le 45 pi'e 2moi krefu be le karni" -- "te krefu", I think. -- Robin *"le mutmi'i po'u la jbofi'e zi'e nefi'e la ritcrd.kernous." -- the zi'e seems unnecessary, at best. -- Robin *"la lojbangirz. noi ba'o ritli binxo" -- mi stidi zo flalu .enai zo ritli .iji'a mi stidi zo ca'a .enai zo ba'o -- Robin **Agreed on flalu, disagreed on ba'o: it has become, the process of becoming is now over. *"poi le merko turni cu zanru lenu le cteki be le jdini poi se dunda fi le girzu cu jdika" -- actually, "poi le merko turni cu zanru le nu le jdini poi se dunda fi le girzu cu na se cteki" is more accurate as I understand it. -- Robin **So tax-deductable means tax-free, not tax-reduced. Duh, of course. Cut gordian knot: ''girzu poi le merko turni cu zanru lenu na cteki le jdini poi se dunda fi le girzu'' *''nalprali'' -- ''non-profit'' referring to an organization is more like ''nalselprali'' (though it's in a tanru so it probably doesn't matter so much.) --((Adam)) *''jungau ly. lenu se cinri'' -- The x2 of djuno and related places should be a ''du'u'' -- ((Adam)) *"jungau ly. ledu'u se cinri kei semu'i lenu pelji ja skami mrilu" -- I can't correctly interperet this because I don't know the place structure of jungau, but I don't think that it translates "register your interest with us by postal or computer mail". In particular, semu'i should almost certainly be sepi'o. -- Robin **jungau: ko'a gasnu le nu ko'e djuno ko'i ko'o ko'u: "x1 tells/informs x2 that x3 is true about x4 by epistemology x5" **Yes; -gau is only ever intended to add an agent (causative) place up front. ''sepi'o'' is correct, but I think ''semu'i'' is an appropriate nuance: the thing to be done is notify us, and this thing to be done motivates you to send us mail, so the mailing is the ''se mukti'' -- the ''semu'i''. If that sounds like gibberish, I'll make it sepi'o after all. ***I was reading mu'i rather than semu'i. Oops. And as such, yes, it was gibberish. 8) -Robin *** 's OK now? -- n *** Yes. -Robin *''i mi ji'a cpedu lenu do dunda fi la lojbangirz. mu'i lenu jdikygau lemi ca'o se pleji befo lenu vrici sarji le lojbo cecmu'' --- That reads to Nora like "You pay more so I can pay less", which has the same effect but seems to make it a more negatively personal thing. lojbab observes that this seems to result from the ambiguity between singular or plural mi. But this plural still doesn't quite match the meaning I gather you are trying for. Our (LLG) payments or costs (outflow) are not decreased when people contribute money. Offsetting costs could be phrased as decreasing debt, but I think of offsetting rather more like fatne than jdika. ** I think you're being disingenuous in the distinction (offsetting __is__ lessening, and the emotional read-in you're doing there is not in the Lojban as far as I'm concerned), but I'm changing it to fatnygau. *"lenu fatnygau lemi ca'o se pleji" -- mi stidi zo jdika .enai zo fatna -- Robin **But donations won't reduce the payments, they will help meet them. **I just changed it on Nora's request, and I'd rather leave it alone now. :-) Unless you have some explicit reasoning on how ''fatna'' would be misleading (and it might be, but I'll need arguments.) **Umm, to me it says, "The event of someone turning our bills into credits.". Which is basically nonsense, but that's what a reversal would be. I don't actually care *all* that much, though. And 'helping meet' a bill == 'reducing the amount' of a bill, IMO. -Robin ***I agree that ''fatne'' does not make much sense, but the se pleji is not reduced by donations either. Maybe ''mu'i le nu jdikygau le mi ca'o se dejni'', or ''mu'i le nu sidju le nu mi pleji''. We will pay the same amount no matter where the funds come from. --xorxes *** Done: ''mu'i lenu mi pleji fo lenu vrici sarji le lojbo cecmu'' *I suppose ''i mi ji'a cpedu'' is meant to be ''i ji'a mi cpedu''. *"ro jdini poi do dunda cu plixau" -- mi stidi zo sidju .enai zo plixau -- Robin **''plixau'' is a Nicholism, but I have no cogent reason not to use the more readily understood ''sidju'' --- particularly as there is no language restricting the x1 to animate beings. *"merko rupnu li su'e 5" .oisai -- su'e does *not* capture the meaning of "as little as", IMO. Actually, in one of those "'but' is actually 'and'" kind of brain twists, I think su'o is closest: "as little as" == "no less than" == "at least". -- Robin **Maybe ''li 5 do'anai''. **Both. And I'm hoping that's how ''do'anai'' was intended to be used... *My name should be written in Lojban {pier.aBAT.}. I sometimes forget to capitalize, but it is stressed on the last syllable. *I thought Adam was aDAM.raizen. He's Hebrew, so I assumed he stressed "Adam" on the last syllable. ** In Israeli (Modern) Hebrew, ''Adam'' (stress on the penult) is a name and ''aDAM'' (stress on the ultima) is a word meaning ''remna''. ''aDAM'' as name is the type of pendantry that radio announcers and teachers are liable to say. My last name is pronounced ''reizen''. For the record, my native language is English. --((Adam)) *Why {uiliamys}? Should it be {uiliams} or {uiliamyz}? **Resolved by taking iusris out altogether :-( . Sorry, but I did end up redoing the Arabic from scratch...
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