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Most of the audio files listed below have either .mp3, .ogg or .rm formats. You can play .ogg and .rm files with free downloadable players. For .ogg download the [http://www.videolan.org/vlc/|VLC Media Player ], and for .rm download [http://www.real.com/|RealPlayer]. * [http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~opoudjis/Sounds/nick_id_loj.au|Brief greeting] by ((Nick Nicholas)) * [http://www.users.qwest.net/~rrapplean/lojban.html|Lojban Tapes] - A project to produced taped recordings of Lojbanic pronounciation * [http://www.fa-kuan.muc.de/GARCIA.RXML|Audio recording by .aulun.] and * [http://www.fa-kuan.muc.de/LOJBAN.RXML|another Audio recording by .aulun.] * [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lojban/files|Various audio recordings] by ((xorxes)), ((greg)) and others. (Yahoo group members only) * ((the Glasgow Conversation)), by ((nitcion)) and ((Goran Topic)) * ((Lojban diphone speech synthesizer)) * ((Lojban podcast)) * ((Lojban Audio Stories)) * [http://www.lojban.org/tiki/Lojban+Anthem|The Lojban Anthem] * ((Two translated Polish children songs)), sung by young people at the Science Camp Serock 2011 organized by [http://fundusz.org/?lang=gb|Polish Children's Fund] * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAin8J9BPqg|bripre jikca]: A YouTube video series in Lojban on Lojban works. !xirli'u selsanga If you are thinking of recording something, it would be nice to have at least one piece recorded by everybody. ((greg.|I)) suggest ((xirli'u selsanga)). * {ATTACH(name=>xirliu.rm,inline=>1,page=>Multimedia)}Ao Lung's version{ATTACH} * {ATTACH(name=>xirliu-th-greg.mp3,inline=>1)}Greg Dyke's version{ATTACH}, with alternatives {ATTACH(name=>xirlihu-greg.mp3,inline=>1)}1{ATTACH} and {ATTACH(name=>xirliu-lh-greg.mp3,inline=>1) }2{ATTACH} * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J57ywQ00f_E|a version by selkik, on youtube] * {file name=xirlihu_guskant.ogg showdesc=1} !Jorge's 5 sentences * {file name=sentences.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=jbojufra.rm showdesc=1} !Recordings of lojbanic texts * {file name=alice1.ogg showdesc=1} * aionys reading [la teris. po'u lo tirxu cu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu|Terry the Tiger Visits the Big City] (download {file name=la teris. po'u lo tirxu.ogg page=>la teris. po'u lo tirxu cu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu showdesc=0}) * {file name=Berenstain_Bears_in_a_Fight.ogg showdesc=1} (10 minutes) !!selpa'i's Corpus Readings This is a series of selected Lojban texts, read by ((selpa'i)). The videos can be found on youtube, containing audio and simultaneous text for the reader/listener to read along. There are so far five recordings in the series: * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v059n9hFdXY&list=PLBguSndiEtX7BMjHM9zudHAnBPZDN7XbV&index=1|Lojban Corpus Readings 01 — la teris. po'u le tirxu cu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PsOaoqT-Ew&list=PLBguSndiEtX7BMjHM9zudHAnBPZDN7XbV&index=2|Lojban Corpus Readings 02 — lo noltrutì'u poị cpà na lo dèmbi] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmtQ0NcVFjI&list=PLBguSndiEtX7BMjHM9zudHAnBPZDN7XbV&index=3|Lojban Corpus Readings 03 — lo cizra zarci] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU_hYWoIA7A&list=PLBguSndiEtX7BMjHM9zudHAnBPZDN7XbV&index=4|Lojban Corpus Readings 04 — le saske smani] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU46tdM1izs&list=PLBguSndiEtX7BMjHM9zudHAnBPZDN7XbV&index=5|Lojban Corpus Readings 05 — lo labno joi lo kanba verba] !Other recordings * {file name=oz_pa_jufmei.mp3 showdesc=1} (to bacru tcidu la'e lu lo se manci te makfa pe la .oz. li'u noi se finti la selpa'i toi) * {file name=oz-p1-a.ogg showdesc=1} (to mi'u toi) * {file name=le_banli_dizlo.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=doifunca-greg.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=selmohi.rm showdesc=1} * {file name=xagjipemci.mp3 showdesc=1} ** (to'i sa'a ku'i .u'u mi pu co'a sanji lo nu .ei lu lo lunra cu cusku lo mi cinmo li'u na.e lu lo lunra cu cusku lo mi se cinmo li'u satci toi) * {file name=jbedetnunsla_uidai.ogg showdesc=1} translated by guskant. ([http://fotono.tumblr.com/post/12729919114/jbedetnunsla-uidai-i-jbedetnunsla-uidai-i|Text.]) * {file name="ehapahoklama.mp3" showdesc=1} ''e'a pa'o klama (ã¨ãŠã‚Šã‚ƒã‚“ã›)'' by guskant. ([http://fotono.tumblr.com/post/15624731879/a-ea-pao-klama-i-miu-b-ti-seraa-ma-cinla|Text.]) * {file name="bengawansolo_UI_fixed.mp3" showdesc=1} ''la .byna,uan.solon. (translated Indonesian song).'' (Translation modified. [http://fotono.tumblr.com/post/22846666936/re-moi-vreji-fi-la-byna-uan-solon-i-gau-mi-lo|Text.]) * {file name="crisa_ditcu.mp3"}: crisa ditcu ''(Summertime)'' sung by guskant arranged by ((tijlan)). [http://groups.google.com/group/lojban/browse_thread/thread/2a0c92d7864127fe|Text.] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Itg2ztXiQ|A video with captions on YouTube.] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWSCCNuQPD0|ro roi za'u re'u ji'a]: A Japanese song ''ã„ã¤ã‚‚何度ã§ã‚‚ (Always with me)'' translated and sung by guskant. * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIsFANIv1lg|bripre ni'o pa mo'o li re te'a ny.] (cartoon created by guskant) * [http://www.lojban.org/corpus/show/lei%20cmalu%20narge%20.e%20le%20cmana%20mlatu|bripre ni'o re mo'o lei cmalu narge .e le cmana mlatu (to lo skina cu co'u gubni toi)] (pixra draci ra'i la'o .py. ã©ã‚“ãã‚Šã¨å±±çŒ« .py. noi lisri fi la .mi,iaza,uan.kenj. ku'o fi'o fanva je te pixra je tigni la .guskant.) * {file name=datka.mp3 showdesc=1} [https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/3SkKfYiF1Fk/discussion|The original text "Alle meine Entchen" was translated by selpa'i from German.] * lu {file name=sofyb_r13_session.mp3 showdesc=1} li'u zo'u la gleki e la guskant pu fanva fo lo banru'usu i lo cmevla gau cmima lo'i brivla to ((zasni gerna cenba vreji)) toi i [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEt-aZpbFEQ|lo selsa'a cu zvati la iutub ji'a] * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzqhNYCWKLo|Speech to philosophers about Lojban and Quine in Japanese by la guskant.] * [http://guskant.github.io/kolojbo.iu|ko lojbo iu] (a series of fifteen lectures about Lojban in Japanese by la guskant.) * {file name="bbc4.ogg" showdesc=1} This Jan 5, 2010 episode of the BBC Radio 4 series 'Word of Mouth' features, among others, an interview with ((Colin Fine)). * {file name=Lojban gismu.zip showdesc=1} Created by the Gismu Audio Crowd Source Project, organized and compiled by .aionys., with thanks to all involved. !Random stuff by seryf * {file name=songthatneverendslojban.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=Zgibri.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=Zgibri.MID showdesc=1} * {file name=jabberwocky.mp3 showdesc=1} * {file name=shower in the sun lojban.mp3 showdesc=1} The previous file is an experiment in making a musical piece based on the concept of a bridi. There are 5 voices acting as sumti, with a common theme twisted to their perspective, acting as the selbri. * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 1.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 2.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 3.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 4.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 5 Part 1.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 5 Part 2.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 6.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 7.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 8.mp3"} * {file name="Radio Free Lojbanistan 9.mp3"} These files are ((seryf|my)) attempt to start learning vocab and grammar via audio repetition. I figured others may (or may not) benefit from this, and ((seryf|I)) converted the project into a basic podcast format for increased listening pleasure (though Eppcott's still lightyears ahead of me in that and all other respects). Please remember than I am a relatively new lojbo, and this is as much a project for my own learning as for others. I have only a basic understanding of the language in general. Enjoy, and tell me what you think via the general mailing list. !Radio Free Lojbanistan w/Commentary * {file name="Radio Free Commentary 1.ogg" showdesc=1} * {file name="Radio Free Commentary 2.ogg" showdesc=1} These are the files in Seryf's excellent Radio Free Lojbanistan series, but with the addition of commentary (much of it in attitudinals) by me (Selkik, Stela Selckiku, Mungojelly). I do intend to do more someday! I also have another idea for how I imagine us recording Lojban, which I haven't put into practice yet. Most of us don't practice speaking out loud much, and so we can only speak out loud with a lot of hesitations. (For beginners it's more like outright pauses.) I think that we should embrace that, and make recordings with lots of silence. Then we can record commentary on each other's sounds, with attitudinals and sa'a and ta'a, sort of as if we were speaking in person. But consciously unidirectional, responding to past layers and leaving room for future layers. I'll maybe make a seed recording sometime, or maybe even an example of what I'm talking about, with a couple of layers. --selkik !Short Songs by Selkik ti tordu selsa'a fi'e la selkik The old files that were here weren't working, so here's some YouTube links: * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm-mNnTqz74|la cavlu'i selsa'a] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK0Ra0Q4ywg|mi jersi ko] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewphtbIMCaE|cadzu lo foldi] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzhiiCukwFI|mi ba te tinbe] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RYojNo7S58|mi gleki lo nu cerni] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1y-JX8m_kI|mi zanfri zanfri] There are a lot more little songs that I could add here. Some have never been recorded, and also I have some old recordings around somewhere. .ui mi nelci lo'e selsa'a .e lo'e nu mi sanga --selkik !AudioBooks, Audio & Video Courses by Ctujvecli These are very much a work in progress and are part of a much larger project. Of most interest will likely be my AudioVideoWiki adaptation of the Lojban Reference Grammar. Currently the first two chapters are available as a text adaptation, an TTS AudioBook and will eventually be read by myself (or other volunteers). I've also begun recording short videos covering the book contents in the style of Salman Khan. Currently Chapter 1 is mostly done and I'm working through chapter 2. Available now are my YouTube videos - more coming soon [http://www.youtube.com/user/ctujvecli/videos| Lojban University on YouTube] !Speech recognition applications The development of speech recognition software generally requires a rather significant corpus of phonetically tagged speech data. If you'd like to see such software developed (sooner or later, anyways) please make as many recordings of your speech as possible. Try to make sure you completely cover all the sounds and combinations of sounds. Someone could be very helpful by writing up a script which contains all of the transitions, which could then be a sort of standardized item to record. Of course, you should also try to make sure that your pronounciation is fairly good before contributing to such a project. :) (Of course perhaps we could start with more basic things such as would be necessary for using an application like a MUD or IF parser.) {file name="glabiha-damba_cmavo.ogg"}
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