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History: Music terminology
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Source of version: 12
The proposals by ((Nick Nicholas)), made in [http://wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9309/msg00069.html] (with corrections by ((Veijo Vilva:http://wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9309/msg00138.html), are repeated here for comment and emendation. This is based in the first instance on the Classical Western musical tradition, and as such privileges Italian, the normative metalanguage for that tradition. Feel free to add terminology from other traditions, but please respect the current subdivisions. (G = German; F = French; I = Italian; E = English) !!!General musicology: ''zgiske'' musical instrument: ''zgica'a'' orchestra: ''balzgibe'e'' band: ''zgigri'' string quartet (group of musicians): ''mosyjgita vomei'' !!!Musical Genres folk/ethnic music; ''naizgi'' pop music; ''sopselneizgi'' jazz: ''dja'aza'' techno: ''te'ekno'' anthem: ''gricniselsanga'' classical music: ''nolzgi'' classical music (European): ''ronri'izgi'' !!!Musical Forms symphony: ''simfoni'' symphony movement: ''simfoni zei pagbu'' concerto: ''konceto'' concerto movement: ''konceto zei pagbu'' piano concerto: ''pipnrpiano zei konceto'' violin concerto: ''jgitrviolino zei konceto'' string quartet (composition): ''mosyjgita vomei selfi'i'' composition: ''zgiselfi'i'' opera: ''sagdraci'' operetta/musical: ''sagjvetavdraci'' note (sound): ''zgika'u'' note (symbol): ''zgika'usni'' !!!Ranges ;contrabass: snoraisli ;bass: tcesnosli ;baritone: mlisnosli ;tenor: norsnosli ;alto: norsutsli ;mezzo-soprano: mlisutsli ;soprano: tcesutsli ;soprnanino: sutraisli !!!Diatonic Modes ;Ionian (Major): cistrxaioni,ane or cistrxioniano ;Dorian: cistrdori,ane ;Phrygian: cistrfrigi,ane ;Lydian: cistrlidi,ane ;Mixolydian: cistrmiksolidi,ane ;Aeolian (Minor): cistrxeioli,ane or cistrxaioliano ;Locrian: cistrlokri,ane ''Borrowing Graeco-Latin terms in their English pronunciation (which utterly mangles them) is something I will persist in combatting. -xi,oniano, -doriano, -frigiano, -lidiano, -miksolidiano, -xai,oli,ano, -lokriano'' -- [[nitcion)) * I agree and plead ignorance (and I was in fact hoping someone would correct these---I needed a way to say Aeolian for a translation I'm doing). Anyway, feel free to change the above and delete this. --jrd ** I think that the -ano should be dropped since its function is served by the prefix cistr-. -phma ** No. I want to retain the Latin morphology for recognisability. What the morphology actually means in Latin is immaterial. -- n !!!Stringed Instruments ;Orchestral Strings: bende sa'erjgita ;tip/point of bow: tersa'e jipno ;scroll: jgita ke sarlu fanmo; jgita sarlyja'i (this brings out the purely ornamental nature of the scroll) ;peg: togytikpijne ;peg box: togytikpijnyvau ;nut: jgita galxe (G has saddle; I has head of the fingerboard) ;neck: pecta'o garna ;fingerboard: pecta'o ;wooden part of the bow: tersa'e mudri; tersa'e krogarna (a descriptive alternative); tersa'e tratygarna (a more functional alternative) ;f-hole: me'o fy. zei kevna ''that does not parse; try {me me'o fy. kevna}'' ;bridge: skosra (G, E, I have bridge, but F has support) ;tailpiece: jgita skora'e (G) ;bow hair: tersa'e kerfa; tersa'e tratykre (a descriptive alternative) ;frog/heel of bow: tersa'e skora'e (by analogy with tailpiece) ;soundpost: snakamju ;string instrument: jgita ;bowed string instrument: sa'erjgita ;bow: tersa'e ;string: terto'asko ;front/table: jgita crane ;back: jgita trixe ;pizzicato: degji se jgita; degycpu ;down-bow: nu mo'ini'a tersa'ecpu ;up-bow: nu mo'iga'u tersa'ecpu ;detach�: nu sepli tersa'ecpu ;legato: nu kansa tersa'ecpu ;lour�: nu cmacatke tersa'ecpu ;martel�: nu mruli tersa'ecpu; nu skovrede'a tersa'ecpu ;spiccato: nu selminra tersa'ecpu (minra means also bounce) ;ricochet, jet�: nu renro tersa'ecpu ;tremolo: nu tersa'e desku ;snap pizzicato: nu bikla degycpu; nu ta'ordarxi degycpu ;left-hand pizzicato: nu zulxa'e degycpu ;harmonic: nalcmu selsli tonga ;mute: smaca'a; kadyto'a (muting doesn't produce a mere change of volume but changes the tonal quality by suppressing the overtones) ;portamento: tonga sakli ;glissando: togyci'e sakli ;scale: togyci'e ;vibrato: tonga desku ;trill: togycnesli; togyci'e togysli (non-enharmonic oscillation, within the scale) ;scordatura: nu nalfadni togystika ;double stop: nu relskosa'e ;triple stop: nu cibyskosa'e ;quadruple stop: nu vonskosa'e ;arpeggio: nalsimcabna srato'agri (non-simultaneous chord) ;chord: srato'agri (vertical tone-group) ;violin: jgitrviolino ;viola: jgitrviola; mlisli jgitrviolino (alto violin: F) ;violoncello: jgitrviolontcelo, jgitrtcelo ;double bass: jgitrkontrabaso ;guitar: jgitrgitara ;fret: pecta'osle ;plectrum: seljgita cfine ;capotasto, barre: jgitrkapotasto ;mandolin: jgitrmandolino ;ukulele: jgitrxukulele; civjgita ("'uku" means flea) ;banjo: jgitrbanjo; damryjgita ;electric bass: dikca snoslijgita !!!Wind Instruments ;Woodwinds: flanyjoixagri ;embouchure, blow hole: vaxyke'a ;head joint: sedyterjo'e ;closed hole: ganlo pecke'a ;open hole: kalri pecke'a ;pad: pecke'agai ;tone hole: togytikyke'a ;double reed: relxagri ;conical bore: konju tu'ucra ;octave key: xavyto'a batke ;bocal: selxagryvau ;bell: ganra tu'ucra ;reed: selxagri ;mouthpiece: vaxytu'upau ;ligature: selxagri velyla'a ;upper joint: gapru terjo'e ;lower joint: cnita terjo'e ;cylindrical bore: slanu tu'ucra ;register key: du'ervasxu batke (G) ;key: batke ;finger hole: degyke'a ;key hole: batkyke'a ;attack: to'acfa ;steady-state: to'asto ;release: to'asti ;legato: nu kansa vasxu ;staccato: nu sepli vasxu ;double tonguing: nu reroi tacto'acfa ;flutter tonguing: nu desku tacto'acfa ;slap tonguing: nu darxi tacto'acfa ;breath tone: tcevaxyvruto'a ;whistle tone: siclyto'a ;smack tone: sakcyto'a ;subtone: nalfadysmato'a ;transverse flute: pinflani ;piccolo: cmapinflani ;alto flute in G: mlisli pinflani ;bass flute in C: snosli pinflani ;Eb flute: pinflani pe .ebu ni'ubu ;recorder (alto, soprano, tenor, soprnanino, bass): rajyflani ;ocarina: flanrxokarina ;oboe in C: xagrnxobo'e ;English horn in F: xagrnkorno'ingleze; mlisli xagrnobo'e (Esperanto) ;oboe d'amore in A: xagrnxobo'edamore ;baritone oboe: snosli xagrnxobo'e ;heckelphone: xagrnxekelfone ;clarinet in Bb: xagrnklarineto pe me'o by ni'ubu ;clarinet in A: xagrnklarineto pe me'o .abu ;Bb bass clarinet: mlisnosli xagrnklarineto pe me'o by ni'ubu ;Eb (D) soprano clarinet: tcesutsli xagrnklarineto pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu to me'o dy toi ;Eb alto clarinet: mlisutsli xagrnklarineto pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;Bb contrabass clarinet: snoraisli xagrnklarineto pe me'o by ni'ubu ;Eb contra alto clarinet: tcesnosli xagrnklarineto pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;basset horn in F: xagrnkornodibaseto ;bassoon: xagrnfagoto ;contrabassoon: xagrnkontrafagoto, snoraisli xagrnfagoto ;Eb alto saxophone: norsutsli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;Bb tenor saxophone: norsutsli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o by ni'ubu ;Eb baritone saxophone: mlisutsli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;Bb soprano saxophone: tcesutsli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o by ni'ubu ;Bb bass saxophone: tcesnosli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o by ni'ubu ;Eb sopranino saxophone: sutraisli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;Eb contrabass saxophone: snoraisli xagrnsaksofono pe me'o .ebu ni'ubu ;harmonica: xagrnxarmonika !!!Brass Instruments ;Brasses: tabra ;leadpipe: moltu'u (G) ;valves: ca'erslanu ;slide: togypra saklytu'u ;tuning slide: togystika saklytu'u ;bell: ganro tu'ucra ;brassy (Schmettern): jimto'a ;bells up: tu'ucra lafti ;stopped (horn): xanzunto'a ;con sordino:kadyto'a; gafto'a (the second alternative takes into account the many kinds of sordini used e.g. with trumpets) ;French horn in F: tabrnkorno ;Alto horn in Eb/F: mlisli tanrnflikorno ;mellophone: tabrnmelofono ;mellophonium: tabrnmelofonio ;Wagner tuba: vagner zei tabrntuba ;trumpet in Bb, C, D, Eb: tabrntromba ;piccolo trumpet in Bb, A: tcetsli tabrntromba ;bass trumpet in Eb, Bb: snosli tabrntromba ;cornet in Bb, Eb: tabrnkorneta ;flugelhorn in Bb: tabrnflikorno ;trombone: tabnrtrombone; trombone; saltabra ;tenor trombone: norsnosli tabrntrombone ;alto trombone: norsutsli tabrntrombone ;bass trombone: mutsnosli tabrntrombone ;contrabass trombone: snoraisli tabrntrombone ;valve trombone: ca'erslanu tabrntrombone ;(contrabass) tuba in Bb, C: (snoraisli) tabrntuba ;(bass) tuba in F, Eb: (tcesnosli) tabrntuba ;euphonium: tabrnxe'ufonio; tcesnosli tabrnflikorno !!!Percussion Instruments ;Percussion: damri ;single stroke: pamei nundarxi ;flam: pavyprudarxi nundarxi (G) ;drag: relprudarxi nundarxi ;ruff: so'irprudarxi nundarxi ;open roll: sluseltro nundarxi ;closed roll: selminra nundarxi ;deadsticking: terda'i vrede'a ;rim shot: nu korbi joi damri darxi ;on the rim: nu korbi darxi ;choked: nu togdicra ;let vibrate: nu to'arcurmi ;paradiddle: pardadidli ;ratamacue: ''tsaparatsa'i'' Is this meant to be onomatopaeic or something? __yes and so is the English__ ;sticks, mallets: terda'i ;marimba: janbrmarimba ;xylophone: janbrksilofono ;xylomarimba: janbrksilomarimba ;orchestral bells (glockenspiel): jabrnkampaneli ;vibraphone: janbrvibrafono ;tubular chimes: jabytu'u ;celesta: pipnrtcelesta ;gong: janbrgonge (my book lists it as a tuned instrument) ;crotales: janbrkrotali ;steel drum: gatydamri ;handbells: xanjanbe ;almglocken (cowbells): bakyjanbe ;anvil: jimda'izbe ;musical saw: zgike ka'arkomcu ;flexatone: janbrflesatono ;tubaphone: janbrtubafono ;timpani: damrntimpano ;roto-tom: damrnrototomtomo ;slide whistle: saklysiclybra ;musical glass: zgikabri ;woodblock: jungo mudbliku (I) ;temple block: kulnrkore'a mudbliku (I) ;claves: damrnklave ;castanets: damrnkastaniete ;maracas: damrnmaraka ;finger cymbals: degji paltydamri ;crash cymbals: simdarxi paltydamri ;suspended cymbal: dandu paltydamri ;hi-hat: tagji paltydamri ;triangle: cibjantradamri ;sleighbells: janbrsonalii ;snare drum: [[cmalu damrntamburo]; slisko damrntamburo (the snare is more fundamental than the size) ;military drum: jenmi damrntamburo ;bongos: damrnbongo ;bass drum: damrngrankasa ;tambourine: damrntamburino ;whip: biklydamri ;police whistle: pulji siclybra ;siren: pulji karce vrubra ;drum kit: damri gunma !!!Keyboard Instruments ;key: batke; terpe'u (from Finnish, makes possible to differentiate e.g. accordions with a piano keyboard from the variants with buttons [[batke terpe'u]) __I think keys ''are'' buttons, and these should only be differentiated by shape: cukla batke, tanbo batke__ ;keyboard: terpe'ufoi (covers also various types of computer keyboards: buttons, pressure sensitive foils etc.); batkyfoi (by analogy) ;keyboard instrument: terpe'ufoi zgica'a, pipno ;piano: pipnrpiano ;damper: smagai ;hammer: mruli ;damper pedal: smajmavra ;sostenuto pedal: togra'ijmavra ;una corda: pavyskojmavra ;tre corda: nalpi'o le pavyskojmavra ;electronic piano: dikca pipno ;toy piano: selkei pipno ;harpsichord: pipnrtcembalo ;harp: jgitrxarpa ;organ: pipnrxorgano ;stop: to'arkaigri ;stop knob: to'arkaigri batke ;accordion: xagrnfisarmonika !!!Vocal ;falsetto: voksrfalseto !!!Purely Electronic ;Theremin: narpencu zgicabra --> ((XORNbostel.zaxs.)) --- originally: ;clarinet in Bb: xagrnklarineto pe by ni'ubu ;clarinet in A: xagrnklarineto pe .abu ;Bb bass clarinet: mlisnosli xagrnklarineto pe by ni'ubu ;Eb (D) soprano clarinet: tcesutsli xagrnklarineto pe .ebu ni'ubu to dy toi ;Eb alto clarinet: mlisutsli xagrnklarineto pe .ebu ni'ubu ;Bb contrabass clarinet: snoraisli xagrnklarineto pe by ni'ubu ;Eb contra alto clarinet: tcesnosli xagrnklarineto pe .ebu ni'ubu ;basset horn in F: xagrnkornodibaseto Don't the above say things like "Clarinet relating to <last thing mentioned which starts with A>"? I think either a {me'o} is needed before the letterals or they should use cmene (after the acronymn fashion: so perhaps la me .ebu ni'ubu for Eb, etc). --mi'e ((.djorden.)) *Correct; so emended. -- nitcion
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