History: Reduced logical form: Step 2

Preview of version: 1 (current)

Every fragment is replaced by a sentence as follows:

fragment replacement sentence
ek # co'e zo'e ek # zo'e
gihek # co'e gihek # co'e
quantifier co'e quantifier zo'e
NA # NA # co'e
terms /VAU#/ co'e terms /VAU#/
prenex prenex co'e
relative-clauses co'e zo'e relative-clauses
links co'e be zo'e links
linkargs co'e linkargs

Thus the EBNF rule:

paragraph = (statement | fragment) [[I # [[statement | fragment]] ...

is reduced to:

paragraph = statement [[I # [[statement]] ...


Information Version
Sat 06 of Nov, 2004 23:28 GMT xorxes from 1