I guess you think of something like "Japanese Language Kit (JLK)" for Mac. This is an extension parallel to Macintosh "Chinese Language Kit (CLK)" what I'm using. Since I don't intend to write Japanese (Kana+Kanji) on my machine, this solution is far too expensive and sophisticated for the purpose of just typing in some Lojban-Hiragana syllables.
Yet, there could be still another way: recently, I downloaded some other fonts together with a software allowing to create kind of scripts in order to access every place on your keyboard you want, e.g. "a" -> "xy". I just don't know yet how to have that little program installed... -.aulun.
Getting dangerously off-topic here, but the language kits come free with System 9. Lamentably, MacOS X is yet to get its sh*t together wth customisable (or not!) Unicode keyboards, though at least it does allow you to use Unicode fonts. (System 9 only claims to.) For people who might care, could someone say whether there are shareware/freeware PC and Unix input methods? Or point to a good website? — nitcion
Don't think that this is off-topic, but useful for further efforts with creating alternative Lojban scripts (and their specific input!).
Since always having been working with Mac (and Atari) machines, I know next to nothing about .uindoz. stuff. But there might be a solution:
Contact SIL (Summer Institute for Linguistics) in Dallas/Tx and ask for shareware "SILKey" (a package of the program SILKey, SIL extension, SIL Weaver and some sample files like Pig Latin kbd and a tutorial). This is for Macintosh. But there's also hope for DOSen-user ;-), since there's "excellent" KeyMan for Windows! ('www.sil.org').
Using the weaver software, one is able to generate kbd-files in order to manipulate the keyboard access in many different ways... (just gave it a rudimentary try - yet it works!) - .aulun.
Here's a keyboard script that I wrote (within "Weaver" - prior to compilation and installation). The script addresses the original font's places 'except' for the consonant-n's and the (new) L-row's places (of my own modified font-version):
// Hiragana keyboard AWT 8.01
// access to syllabic chars
keyboardname "U.S."
initialgroup (Main)
store(vowel) "aiueo"
store(hiravow) "qwert"
store(marks) ".,;"
store(hiramrk) '?"'
group (Main) using keys
"t"+"a" > "y"
"t"+"i" > "u"
"ch"+"i" > "u"
"ts"+"u" > "i"
"t"+"u" > "i"
"t"+"e" > "o"
"t"+"o" > "p"
"y"+"a" > "Q"
"y"+"i" > "W"
"y"+"u" > "E"
"y"+"e" > "R"
"y"+"o" > "T"
"m"+"a" > "Y"
"m"+"i" > "U"
"m"+"u" > "I"
"m"+"e" > "O"
"m"+"o" > "P"
"k"+"a" > "a"
"k"+"i" > "s"
"k"+"u" > "d"
"k"+"e" > "f"
"k"+"o" > "g"
"n"+"a" > "h"
"n"+"i" > "j"
"n"+"u" > "k"
"n"+"e" > "l"
"n"+"o" > ";"
"w"+"a" > "A"
"w"+"i" > "S"
"w"+"u" > "D"
"w"+"e" > "F"
"w"+"o" > "G"
"v"+"a" > "A"
"v"+"i" > "S"
"v"+"u" > "D"
"v"+"e" > "F"
"v"+"o" > "G"
"r"+"a" > "H"
"r"+"i" > "J"
"r"+"u" > "K"
"r"+"e" > "L"
"r"+"o" > ":"
"l"+"a" > "Ï" // produces special chars for L-syllables (altered by myself and not included in the font available)...
"l"+"i" > "¥"
"l"+"u" > "€"
"l"+"e" > "£"
"l"+"o" > "¢"
"s"+"a" > "z"
"s"+"i" > "x"
"sh"+"i" > "x"
"s"+"u" > "c"
"s"+"e" > "v"
"s"+"o" > "b"
"h"+"a" > "n"
"h"+"i" > "m"
"h"+"u" > ","
"f"+"u" > ","
"h"+"e" > "."
"h"+"o" > "/"
"d"+"a" > "´"
"d"+"i" > "$"
"j"+"i" > "$"
"dj"+"i" > "$"
"d"+"u" > "%"
"dz"+"u" > "%"
"d"+"e" > "¿"
"d"+"o" > "1"
"g"+"a" > "Œ"
"g"+"i" > "§"
"g"+"u" > "¶"
"g"+"e" > "Ä"
"g"+"o" > "©"
"z"+"a" > "*"
"z"+"i" > "Å"
"z"+"u" > "V"
"z"+"e" > "Ã"
"z"+"o" > "º"
"b"+"a" > "!"
"b"+"i" > "µ"
"b"+"u" > "2"
"b"+"e" > "3"
"b"+"o" > "Ö"
"p"+"a" > "÷"
"p"+"i" > "å"
"p"+"u" > "ø"
"p"+"e" > "ù"
"p"+"o" > "À"
"k"+"l" > "((" //Some still provisory commands to produce some small-size chars ...
"k"+"k" > "))"
"k"+"j" > "{"
"k"+"m" > "}"
"n"+"n" > "Æ" //hitting the n-key 'twice' produces Japanese consonant-n
any(vowel) > index(hiravow,1) fix
any(marks) > index(hiramrk,1) fix