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History: The 'names are WikiWords' rule is dumb
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See ((changes to phpwiki)). -------------- We've already standardized on ''not'' using the idea of WikiWords; * What's this 'we' shit, white man? -- RobinLeePowell ** everyone who was using the wiki a lot before it moved? --jay ** It's even (somewhat inexplicably) the second line on the ((FrontPage)). why should we need to force our names into them? I want to go by ((rab.spir)), because ((RabSpir)) is simply wrong for a Lojban name. ((TsaliTsali)) is even more horribly contrived. Is there something in the Wiki source that can be easily changed for this? * What's wrong with ((rab.spir))? ((RabSpir)) is just for sign in (and I have only had to sign in the very first time I used the wiki). --((And)) ** It shows up on the RecentChanges page and links to ((RabSpir)), which I don't intend to create. The patch is there, so could whoever runs the Wiki (Jay?) please apply it before we get too attached to our WangleWord names? ---- ((Jordan DeLong|I)) agree. WikiWords are horrible and ugly. Robin: here's a patch which 'fixes' it. It however goes all the way and allows everything (spaces, ^H, etc) in user names. I don't think this is neccesarily bad for our purposes though: (apply in the lib/ dir). --- WikiUser.php.bak Wed Jan 23 19:26:55 2002 +++ WikiUser.php Mon Nov 18 23:52:06 2002 @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ return false; } elseif (ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN - && preg_match('/\A' . $WikiNameRegexp . '\z/', $userid)) { + /*&& preg_match('/\A' . $WikiNameRegexp . '\z/', $userid)*/) ~123~ return WIKIAUTH_BOGO; } return false; ---- Btw, while we're at it, I also think we should munge it so it doesn't automatically make FooLikeThis into links. I can put a patch to fix this also if people want. * There are a few links on this wiki which rely on that behavior -- ((adam)) ** All the more reason to fix it now and prevent people from introducing new ones. -- mi'e ((.djorden.)) *** You __must__ be joking. Tell you what, you go through and fix every place in the wiki that that feature is used, and I'll consider it. -- RobinLeePowell **** Nope: I think when jay first put up the old wiki he put a thing about wanting to standardize on [[ and ] for links. Anyone who ignored it deserves to have their pages break. --jrd **** Furthermore, it'd be trival to fix them all using perl, if anyone actually cared to do so. I'd rather just let them break though (people can fix them if they see them broken). --jrd ***** I don't think you understand. I'm pretty damned certain that the internal functioning of phpwiki relies on this behaviour. -- RobinLeePowell ****** I do understand, I looked at the source. The easy way to fix it is to gut the part of the html renderer which looks for WikiNameRegexp and forms them into links. I can post a patch which does this if you're willing to apply it. --jrd ---- Can we fix it so that double [[ always escapes (e.g. "[[rab.spir]" gets turned into a link, I think, as might [[this __nonlink__ here])? (This comes out as garbage on screen, and proves my point.) --((And)) (when I say "can *we* fix" it, I mean us collectively, of course; I myself am incapable, and merely gratefully depend on the expertise of others) * This appears to be related to that little "use new markup" button. Perhaps the way to escape [[ has changed, but a brief glance around yeilded no data---I'm guessing it's a bug. Workaround is just don't use new things like tables on pages where you also want to escape [[. -jrd * SandBox has tables and escaping [[ both working at once. Are we supposed to use new markup or not use it? ** SandBox has the "use new markup" button unchecked. I guess tables are allowed with that off then. *** New Markup appears to be broken, AFAICT. -- RobinLeePowell
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