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History: jbovlaste import: bad valsi lang en
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Source of version: 2
!!((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: a|a lang en)) • __((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: b lang en|b lang en)) • ____((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: c lang en|c lang en)) • __((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: d|d lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: e|e lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: f|f lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: g lang en|g lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: i|i lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: j lang en|j lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: k|k lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: l lang en|l lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: m lang en|m lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: n|n lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: o|o lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: p|p lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: r|r lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: s|s lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: t|t lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: u|u lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: v|v lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: x|x lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: y|y lang en)) • ((jbovlaste import: bad valsi: z lang en|z lang en)) This is a list of words that exist in the database, or in one or more of the official lujvo lists, that for one or more reasons should not be in the official dictionary. Words that are added to this list should have two or more of the following criteria: * No usage whatsoever * Only erroneous usage * It is a lujvo with extremely many component rafsi, that has a meaning that is extremely narrow ** As a subcategory of this, lujvo that should preferably be replaced by fu'ivla * Has component rafsi in the wrong order, or is otherwise coined by someone who does not know how lujvo work * Has component rafsi that are semantically inappropriate; either causing it to differ from the intended meaning, or causing it to be incomprehensible The following reasons are ''not'' valid for inclusion in this list: * It does not have any obvious/neat gloss word in English, or that gloss word consists of multiple words. - Duh, multiple words in gloss word fields ''are allowed''. Furthermore, if you really can't think of any suitable gloss word, it is okay to just enter a definition. It just won't have any reverse lookup in the natlang part of the dictionary. Also, someone else could come and suggest a gloss word later. This page was done mostly because I (arj) was working through ((jbovlaste import: noralujv entries with no definitions lang en)), and found that I spent a lot of time re-reading entries that I had already decided made little or no sense. If you disagree with any of these, please define them and remove them. !Special categories * ((jbovlaste import: lujvo with carmi lang en)) * ((jbovlaste import: Sex Words and Metaphors lang en))
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