

Jorge Llamb=EDas wrote:

> =20
>>There are only 2 actual use cases we must cover.
>>1. I want a rabbit, any rabbit, it doesn't matter which one. (selkaicfa=
>>referring to some real objects; the speaker has revealed all of his=20
>>criteria; uses lo)
>>2. I want the rabbit, a certain rabbit, not any other. (kaicfa;=20
>>referring to some real objects, the speaker has not revealed all=20
>>criteria but retains some unspoken — he'll let you know if you bring=20
>>the wrong rabbit; uses le)
>> =20
>My only comment is very BTW: I don't like -cfa for this. {cfari}=20
>means "x1 starts to occur", it does not mean "x1 starts at x2"
>which seems to be your idea. I suggest {selkaiselfa'a},=20
>"property-oriented" and {kairselfa'a}, "thing-oriented".
>Or perhaps {velskiselfa'a}, "description-oriented" and
>{selskiselfa'a}, "described-oriented".
> =20

We could drop the second se both for shortness, and because we're=20
discussing directions, and end up at selkaifa'a, kairfa'a. (However,=20
there's a bug here. What if I wanted to discuss the 2nd place of=20
kairfa'a? That would be selkairfa'a or selkaifa'a, either identical to=20
or one r away from the other concept.)

The terms would have to get reversed, since if I'm starting at one, then=20
I'm oriented to the other. I wanted to convey more like pruce lo ckaji.=20
..i ku'i li'a .ei basna lo menli tu'a zo kairsanji fa'u zo selkaisanji

Motorists honked in celebration in this Ramadi as news spread of the assa=
ssination of the president of the Iraqi Governing Council Ezzidin Salim M=
onday. "The GC is nothing," one man shouted. "They are not the Governing =
Council. They are the Prostitution Council."=20

> We could drop the second se both for shortness, and because we're=20
> discussing directions, and end up at selkaifa'a, kairfa'a.

I don't know. I would say:

lo ve skicu cu farna zo lo
lo se skicu cu farna zo le

So if we are talking of {lo}/{le}, they are selfa'a.

> there's a bug here. What if I wanted to discuss the 2nd place of=20
> kairfa'a? That would be selkairfa'a or selkaifa'a,

The second one is a lujvo. The first one is (I think) a fu'ivla.
To be clear you need {se kairfa'a} or {selkemkaifa'a}.

>either identical to=20
> or one r away from the other concept.)
> The terms would have to get reversed, since if I'm starting at one, then=20
> I'm oriented to the other. I wanted to convey more like pruce lo ckaji.=20
> .i ku'i li'a .ei basna lo menli tu'a zo kairsanji fa'u zo selkaisanji

lo kairsanji cu pilno zo le i lo selkaisanji cu pilno zo lo

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 04:31:57PM -0400, xod wrote:
> We could drop the second se both for shortness, and because we're=20
> discussing directions, and end up at selkaifa'a, kairfa'a. (However,=20
> there's a bug here. What if I wanted to discuss the 2nd place of=20
> kairfa'a? That would be selkairfa'a or selkaifa'a, either identical to=20
> or one r away from the other concept.)

Though the rest of this discussion is something I won't touch with Mr. Ten-Foot
Pole, I can answer this. The second place of {kairfa'a} is {se kairfa'a}. If
you need to make a lujvo out of _that_, it's {selkemkairfa'a}, but that strikes
me as even more unnecessary that most of the "selbroda" style lujvo.

Rob Speer