Lojban In General

Lojban In General

posts: 20
Quoting Chris Capel <pdf23ds@gmail.com>:

> I could just pick a side, but given the possible influence I might
> have, that feels like a big overreach. (I feel your pain, Nick.) If
> usage hasn't settled anything yet (and I wouldn't think it has) then
> what should I do? Teach the controversy? Even that option has the
> downside of confusing and discouraging newbies, but perhaps it's not
> avoidable at this stage in Lojban's development.

I think that teaching the controversy could be appealing, depending on
how it's spun. The truth is that Lojban is a language which is still
very much under development, even though large parts of it are
established. We should be very clear to ninpre about what isn't
likely to change-- gismu, for instance, which every ninpre seems to
have a proposal about-- and what is likely to change, and therefore
might be open to their ideas. Pitch it that way: Lojban Wants YOU to
get involved with these issues, and help determine the course of a
living human language. :-)

mu'o mi'e la bret.

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