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lojbo cmaci

posts: 85
Use this thread to discuss the lojbo cmaci page.
posts: 85

After experimenting with non-sleeping recently, I woke up to find this in my
writing pad. *I* didn't have my computer, so I was using a tiny print
dictionary. Also, I had to invent lujvo for natural number (kacna'u). I'm
resisting the temptation to tinker with it now. I'm struggling to read my
handwriting, particularly distinguishing vowels. Expect errors.

coi rodo .i mi gasnu tu'a lo cmaci

.i frinu lo kacna'u fe'a li re na

.i da fe'a li re .i da'i da frinu by .i da'i no kacna'u fendi by .e cy .i
seni'i bo da te'a li re du by te'a li re fi'u cy te'a li re du li re

.i se ni'i bo cy te'a li re pi'i li re du by te'a li re .i li re fendi by
te'a li re .i li re fendi by .i by du li re pi'i dy

.i cy te'a li re pi'i li re du vei li re pi'i dy ve'o te'a li re du li vo
pi'i dy te'a li re

.i cy te'a li re du li re pi'i dy

.i li re fendi cy te'a li re .i seni'i bo li re fendi cy li re fendi cy

.i za'a li re fendi cy .e by .i ku'i no bacna'u fendi .i ja'o by .e cy na
bacna'u .i ja'osai fe'a li re na frinu lo kacna'u lo kacna'u

mu'o mi'e cmacis

posts: 14214

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 04:12:17PM +0100, james riley wrote:
> After experimenting with non-sleeping recently, I woke up to find
> this in my writing pad. *I* didn't have my computer, so I was
> using a tiny print dictionary. Also, I had to invent lujvo for
> natural number (kacna'u). I'm resisting the temptation to tinker
> with it now. I'm struggling to read my handwriting, particularly
> distinguishing vowels. Expect errors.

If you're that interested in lojbo cmaci, you might want to read



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