Lojban In General

Lojban In General

le mu xamgu pe lo nunji'e

posts: 92

I've added a translation of Mark Twain's "The five boons of life" to the
wiki: <
It comes to about 1100 words. Please feel free to comment and ask
questions. Also, would someone please add links to this & my previous
translation <
to the "Texts in Lojban" page's "Short Stories" section? I don't seem
have edit privileges for that page. Thanks.

ni'o mi ba'o jmina le xe fanva be la'e zoi zoi The five boons of life zoi pe
fi'e la'o zoi Mark Twain zoi la uikis fi'o judrysni zoi zoi
.i le se go'i cu valsi ji'i pa pa no no mei .i pe'u do'u e'o fi ko
ja preti .i ji'a pe'u do'u e'o da jmina le judrysni be le go'a e le purci xe
fanva be fu mi to zoi zoi
toi le me zoi zoi Short Stories zoi pagbu be le me zoi zoi Texts in
Lojban zoi ckupau .i bo za'a na curmi lo nu mi jai galfi le ckupau

.i ki'e mu'o mi'e komfo,amonan

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:45 PM, komfo,amonan <komfoamonan@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, would someone please add links to this & my previous
> translation
> to the "Texts in Lojban" page's "Short Stories" section? I don't seem to
> have edit privileges for that page. Thanks.

That's odd. Were you logged in? Anyway I have added them.

A couple of comments on the translation:

>> ca lo cerni pe'a pe lo nunji'e

Woudn't "lo cerni _be_ lo nunji'e" make more sense here? With "pe" the
point of cerni seems to be lost, it's just some morning associated
with life, not the early part of life.

>> .i je na zgana le selklaku poi ke'a tolcanci bu'u le kanla be le racycrida

You don't really need "bu'u" there. I think "zgana" is intentional, so
"ganse" would make more sense.

>> .i je ca bu'u vreta fa zo'e no'u le dibrai je ro moi

Maybe "nau" instead of "ca bu'u"? "ti" instead of "zo'e"?

>>.i le nanca be li su'o re cu ba'o ctuca do lo kamprije vau ju'o

"le nanca be li su'o re" makes it seem as if the fairy was not aware
that many more than two years had passed.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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posts: 92

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:57 AM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:45 PM, komfo,amonan <komfoamonan@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Also, would someone please add links to this & my previous
> > translation
> > to the "Texts in Lojban" page's "Short Stories" section? I don't seem to
> > have edit privileges for that page. Thanks.
> That's odd. Were you logged in? Anyway I have added them.
> A couple of comments on the translation:
> >> ca lo cerni pe'a pe lo nunji'e
> Woudn't "lo cerni _be_ lo nunji'e" make more sense here? With "pe" the
> point of cerni seems to be lost, it's just some morning associated
> with life, not the early part of life.

Of course. Thanks.

>> .i je na zgana le selklaku poi ke'a tolcanci bu'u le kanla be le
> racycrida
> You don't really need "bu'u" there. I think "zgana" is intentional, so
> "ganse" would make more sense.

Yes and yes.

>> .i je ca bu'u vreta fa zo'e no'u le dibrai je ro moi
> Maybe "nau" instead of "ca bu'u"? "ti" instead of "zo'e"?

Yes and yes.

>>.i le nanca be li su'o re cu ba'o ctuca do lo kamprije vau ju'o
> "le nanca be li su'o re" makes it seem as if the fairy was not aware
> that many more than two years had passed.

Yes again. I suppose I'll go with {so'o}.

mu'o mi'e komfo,amonan