Lojban In General

Lojban In General

3rd Language Creation Conference dates & LCS membership now open


Glossopoesis and Glottotechnia: The Art and Science of Language
The Third Language Creation Conference

REGISTER & GET MORE INFO AT: <http://conlang.org/lcc3/register.php>

The Language Creation Society and the Brown Department of Literary
Arts are pleased to announce the 3rd (almost-annual) conference on
constructed languages (conlangs). The conference is open to
contributions and discussions about all forms, techniques, and
especially motivations for creating languages, whether as works of
art, subsidiary components to literary efforts, solutions to
communication problems, research tools, or teaching tools. We
particularly look forward to the interaction of language creators and
interested writers of fiction and poetry.

The conference will be held on the Brown University Campus in
Providence Rhode Island March 21-22, 2009. Traditional conference
sessions and literary readings are limiting for the kinds of broad
interaction that we would like to foster so we are planning on several
types or participation, so that everyone will be able to contribute:

• Posters: Many people want to talk about projects that completed or
in progress. A poster may be the ideal format, writing systems, sample
sentences, points of grammatical interest — put whatever you'd most
like to show off in your project on a big piece of paper and be ready
to talk with people who are interested.
• Traditional papers: For those whose research results or critical
thinking demand a structured argument or presentation, there will be
presentation sessions.
• Tutorials: How-to information is always welcome. Tutorial sessions
on topics like "creating your first language," phonology, syntax,
languages human brains can't seem to understand (just to pick a few at
random) — all would be welcome. No-one understands all about how
natural languages work — and constructed languages are not even
constrained by that, so tutorials at all levels can be informative for
• Unconference sessions: at LCC 2, Panel and discission sessions, as
well as other collaborative activities were verey successful. We'd
like to continue and perhaps expand that tradition by taking some
ideas from the Compter world and having slots for self-organized group
sessions, where we'll help attendees organize conversations around
topics of interest.

We have been lucky to be able to schedule the conference in the
Brown/RISD Hillel House, and as we overlap with the Brown vacation, we
have access to the building as a whole, meaning that we have room for
posters, presentation sessions, impromptu meetings, and formal
readings. We will even be able to enjoy the garden, weather

We will make every effort to document the proceedings as fully as
possible in images, sound and video, and to make these available on
physical media and the internet.

Providence is a frequently overlooked gem. The Rhode Island School of
Design (RISD) is an art school with a great small museum; Brown has
some great library collections, and a beautiful campus; Benefit
street, a few blocks from the conference location, has one of the
highest concentrations of restored colonial homes in the country;
Johnson and Wales University downtown has a fantastic cooking and
hotel school, so that good food and restaurants are abundant, and the
presence of university students also means that there's good food
cheap for those on a budget.

We are accepting proposals and suggestions for sessions (tell us what
you want, even if you can't do it all yourself, as we may be able to
make it happen) immediately. We will be updating the site and sending
further announcements with more practical details and program news.

This is a great opportunity to meet interesting people, learn and
share knowledge, and have fun with a group of people in a small city
with the amenities of a much larger one, due to its fascinating
history, friendliness to artists, world-class educational
institutions, and enthusiastic citizens.

If you would like to participate - with a full talk, mini-talk about
your language, workshop, poster, etc - please let us know at


The Language Creation Society is now a fully IRS and California
recognized tax-exempt non-profit, and therefore is now open for

What are the benefits?

  • a very pretty Conlang Flag lapel pin, exclusively available to LCS members

- see <http://www.conlang.org/ConlangFlagPin.jpg>

  • 2 permanent yournamehere.conlang.org domain names & free full

web/email hosting
- see <http://conlang.org/hosting.php> for details
- includes unlimited whateveryouwant@yournamehere.conlang.org and 2
yourname@conlang.org emails with secure Jabber IM capability
- "permanent" means that once it's up, we will do our best to
guarantee that it is up forever. Even if you lapse in membership, your
material will stay up, for free

  • discounts on all LCS events and products (see below)

  • full voting rights in the LCS

  • future perks as you suggest 'em and we can make 'em available

  • the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are supporting the LCS in

its mission to promote the art, craft, and science of conlanging

See more at <http://conlang.org/members.php>.


We are looking for a logo for the LCC3. The winner will be credited in
the program and given a prize; the logo will be featured prominently
in the program, shirts, website, etc. The logo should include the
name, date, and location of the conference. Multiple submissions are
fine; png or jpg format preferred; deadline is January 21, 2008.


We need someone to help with the LCS Podcast, to edit episodes. Remove
the ums and ahs, clean up noise, add in music & intro/outro; that sort
of thing. We'll provide all the raw audio, you turn it into a single,
broadcast-ready piece.

If this sounds like something you could help with, please email us!


$35 LCS Membership (1 year)
$35 LCC3 Pre-registration (before Feb. 1st) ($10 off w/ LCS membership)
$45 LCC3 Standard registration ($10 off w/ LCS membership)

Due to increased costs and decreased institutional support, we've had
to raise our ticket prices a small amount.

As always, our policy is still that if ticket price is an issue, just
say so, contribute what you can (e.g. help us with setup, videography,
etc), and you will get in with no questions asked.

Donations would be greatly appreciated. In the past, donations have
covered the majority of conference costs; this will likely be the case
again this year. It's tax deductible, and helps us make sure the
conference will be here to stay.

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