place tag confusion
coi rodo
The jboski page translates 'fi lo skami cu tavla mi' to 'any/some which are computers are the subject of talking to Me', suggesting the place tag switching is temporary and limited to the one sumti. However, based on L4B (chapter 2) and the LRG (chapter 4), it should translate to 'any/some which are computers are the subject of a talk in language Me'.
Specifically, LRG says:
"What if some sumti have FA tags and others do not? The rule is that after a FA-tagged sumti, any sumti following it occupy the places numerically succeeding it, subject to the proviso that an already-filled place is skipped"
and L4B says:
"After a place introduced with a place tag, any trailing places follow it in numbering. So in
la suzyn. klama fo la .uacintyn. le karce
Susan goes via Washington by car
la .uacintyn. is the fourth place of klama, and le karce is understood as the place following the fourth place — i.e. the fifth place."
Someone in IRC commented:
"I think the right-hand side always starts with x2"
I think this would make an acceptable exception, *if* I could find the documentation of it.
Any thoughts and/or clarifications as to which is correct? (I would think a sizable portion of translations depend on the answer. Or, at the least, it does for Me.)